Animal Asbo over bra-stealling baboons


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Mar 5, 2006
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Losing a wing mirror or windscreen wiper has long been a traditional risk of driving through a monkey enclosure - but this troop of baboons has set its sights higher.

The marauding bunch has learned how to crack open roof-top luggage boxes.


Primate target: Holidaymakers look on as a troop of baboons breaks into their roof box and makes off with, well, everything

Tourists visiting Knowsley Safari Park can only watch as 140 baboons spring the lock and scamper up trees with anything from bras to boots.

The raids have now become so regular that keepers have issued an animal Asbo - or anti-social baboon order - meaning drivers with roof luggage are diverted outside the enclosure.

When the first incident happened, it was put down to a faulty box or lock, admitted David Ross, manager of the park in Merseyside. But it soon became clear they had acquired an unfortunate new skill.


Shamed: A culprit hides his face

'The largest baboons jump up and down on the box, flexing it until the lock bursts open, when the rest of the baboons pile in,' said Mr Ross.

Staff have since staged a demonstration to highlight the risks drivers face.

'We can now show photos to visitors with cargo boxes who may be thinking of playing Russian roulette in the monkey jungle,' added Mr Ross.

By MILES ERWIN - Monday, July 20, 2009
Animal Asbo over bra-stealling baboons |
Saw this on GMTV this morning. Must admit ... my 1st thought was why the fook dont these people use a padlock on them things ? My 2nd was 'who the hell would drive through a monkey enclosure with a roofpod full of clothes anyway ?