Annoying Pet Habits...


Inactive User
Dec 30, 2008
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Just wondered whos got pets and if they had any annoying pet habits...

for instance we recently got a kitten a month ago and every night when we're sleeping he tries to tuck himself under the missus's long hair, clawing to get right in on top of her head.

not only does it wake her up she then wakes me up annoyed and wants me to do something about it.

is this a known habit for a kitten?

Our cat wakes us up at about 4 in the morning by jumping on the bed and licking whoever happens to be nearest.
I have a solution though, put the cat out at night if i can find her in the house as she hides when its time to go out!
Wife thinks im cruel, but she does have a fur coat and finds shelter in our neighbours greenhouse if she needs to.
kittens only 14 weeks... too young to go out but i keep putting him up on the window ledge to make him aware that theres a big bad world out there and he WILL be going out there when he's old enough.

the missus also thinks im cruel lol
My pussy every morning jumps on me soaking wet and rubs itself against my scratchy pole.................

That i have no problem with its the noise the fooking thing makes,what must the neighbours think?????
My pussy every morning jumps on me soaking wet and rubs itself against my scratchy pole.................

That i have no problem with its the noise the fooking thing makes,what must the neighbours think?????


every morning lucky fecker.
Only habits my snakes have, is eating the poor likkle mice I chuck in. ha ha. Watch them run. :)
Just wondered whos got pets and if they had any annoying pet habits...

for instance we recently got a kitten a month ago and every night when we're sleeping he tries to tuck himself under the missus's long hair, clawing to get right in on top of her head.

not only does it wake her up she then wakes me up annoyed and wants me to do something about it.

is this a known habit for a kitten?


Dunno about known habit, but yes, one of ours used to this when she was still a kitten. Now she's just a pain in the arse in other ways!

I'm also wishing I had PollyPhfiller's morning routine... Lol. :Clap:
My dog pisses on the floor everytime you tell her off....

So i have to throw her outside then tell her off..

Theres no wonder she doesnt learn
My dog pisses on the floor everytime you tell her off....

So i have to throw her outside then tell her off..

Theres no wonder she doesnt learn

...know how you feel. ours starting to do that too. she is about 14 yrs old. and yeah like you, gets kicked out for doing it and told off. we have to put her out whenever we go out in case she does it in the house . wouldnt mind but back door is open all day and im home all day we walk her about 3 to 4 times a day yet every so often she disgraces herself indoors .. bloomin mutt xx
thats quite old for a dog mate so could be a number of problems especially if your saying the door is open and you walk her often, i would take her to the vet and get it checked
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When my old dog was a pup he would fart when he was fast asleep, wake himself up and run round the bloody room for ages..
It was funny at first until he started to break things.
He stopped it when he got older but if you made a fart noise he would cower behind the couch.
I miss me old mutt, Zak..
My dog pisses on the floor everytime you tell her off....

So i have to throw her outside then tell her off..

Theres no wonder she doesnt learn
Thats because she is scared of you m8,bet she cowes down,ears go back before she wets

...know how you feel. ours starting to do that too. she is about 14 yrs old. and yeah like you, gets kicked out for doing it and told off. we have to put her out whenever we go out in case she does it in the house . wouldnt mind but back door is open all day and im home all day we walk her about 3 to 4 times a day yet every so often she disgraces herself indoors .. bloomin mutt xx

thats old she just cant control her bladder :(
Thats because she is scared of you m8,bet she cowes down,ears go back before she wets

Oh i realise that, but how do you tell her off when you wake up and the bin is all over the kitchen, my shoes are in peices (dont leave shoes in the kitchen now) or when shes jumped up on the kitchen tops?
oh I know mate :( but thats what happens when you have a puppy (I take it she is a puppy?)
I used to spread newspaper all over the floor to wake up with it ripped to shreds

the best thing to do is get yourself a dog create for over night and small intervals when you pop out shopping etc

but there are lots of things you need to look at

is the dog left at home all day while family is at work ?
puppy's get bored quickly
get toys that you can stuff food in or spread paste,cheese spread into holes of toys to keep them active

get yourself joined to a dog training class and they will give you loads of advice :)

I feel your pain mate as Ive been there lol
thats quite old for a dog mate so could be a number of problems especially if your saying the door is open and you walk her often, i would take her to the vet and get it checked

yeah yr right i know we should really. but my fiance too scared to. thinks shes prob. diabetic? and worried vet'll want to put her down. hes had her about 10 years ( shes about 14 now )from a friend who was going to prob put her down if couldnt find a home for her. least that was the story at the time apparently .. shes happy enough otherwise. i think if she werent happy and energetic hed take her to the vet.
give it time i think, and if theres a change i'll suggest we do whats best for her. poor dawg xx
Just wondered whos got pets and if they had any annoying pet habits...

for instance we recently got a kitten a month ago and every night when we're sleeping he tries to tuck himself under the missus's long hair, clawing to get right in on top of her head.

not only does it wake her up she then wakes me up annoyed and wants me to do something about it.

is this a known habit for a kitten?


Hi i have kitten and put her in kithchen with food n water at night, as a instinct a kitten will look for somewere warm and something like its mother, u have to becarful as they might sit on your face and cause suffication.

Hope this helps
Hi i have kitten and put her in kithchen with food n water at night, as a instinct a kitten will look for somewere warm and something like its mother, u have to becarful as they might sit on your face and cause suffication.

Hope this helps

It's only babies and young kids you have to be careful with, they ain't gonna suffocate you, you'd be able to just chuck them off...! lmao.
our dog always licks its balls,[somtimes it eats its own shit} im sick to death of telling 1 of my daughters to stop kissing it

what a bloody hassle pets are...............but at the same time its a sickner when they kick the bucket