Another eBay scam in action


Inactive User
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
My Computer thinks I'm Gay
Have a look here, (you'll have to be a registerd user to see his completed listings).
I was interested in this guy as he was selling Sony DVD Camcorders £250 cheaper than anybody. The problem was he had a low feedback score (built up from buying small items), he was a new user and he was selling shed loads of them.
I kept an eye on him to see what the first load of feedback would be from the buyers he had already sold to, but tonight I noticed that he is now no longer a registered user.
He's sold a total of about £10.5k worth of Sat Nav gear and camcorders over the weekend.
I just pity the poor sods who have forked out already for their gear.
Although he was with Paypal, they (he) only offered their lowest form of protection which is about £100 or so.
I was sorely tempted at the time but I'm glad I held back.
Perhaps I'm just being pessimistic and they'll all get their goodies, but I doubt it.
If something is just too good to be true, then it invariably is.... :Angryfire
its mad that people pay that amount of money to someone that has never sold a item on ebay before. and just brought a few items how stupid can they be ..
What dos Not a registered user mean?
Dos that mean hes shut it down.
I had one of these - a guy from China who I got a Neon sign from. I managed to track him via his Paypal account and previous customers. He had re-registered as a new user.

A quick email to him asking if the item had been dispatched confrimed it had and it did arrive. When I spoke again to him he informed me it was because someone had given him -ve feedback!

So Paypal is the way to track this one I think for anyone who was unfortunate to pay their money