Another ebay scam or not!!!!

yes i thought so and will not be parting with me 4.99. Its amazing what things they try to sell on there. Wonder how many other have people have came accross it and parted with cash.
this is how it works, the seller will e-mail u a manual on how to become an e-bay seller by posing as a genuine business and asking companies in the far east to send you samples which you then sell on e-bay.

waste of time!
THis is nothing new and been going on for ages (sometimes tell you TV's, PC's) ... just changed it to something different

but they do tell you that you are not bidding for the product and tell you what you are bidding for .... so technically not a scam ... nothing illegal as such ... but should be banned .. .but i doubt it will unless ebay get enough complaints
Theres allways someone silly enough to part with cash ....normally me after late night beer and ebay sessions