any fish keepers here?


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VIP Member
Nov 9, 2005
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In limbo!
i used to keep tropical fish a while back but ended up selling it :(

im looking to get back into it and ive been looking at starter kits today i want around 10-20 gallon no bigger really and i dont wanna spend stupid money ive seen them cheap in auqautics centres round here so thought i might find some bargains on the net but havnt really had any luck yet.

So does anyone know were i could try?

I've got a Cichlid tank with Tiger oscar /Silver dollars and gold Severums and a few catfish.Mind you the Oscars getting a bit big now.I might have to get one of those tanks and move him
I'm planning on getting rid of my old tropical tank and having a new one placed in our wall in between our living room and passage.

Fish are awesome until a mystery disease strikes and wipes half of the buggers out.

Oh and never keep frogs in with crabs unless you enjoy a one sided fight LOL
Well i've got the keys to the wife's chastity belt.

Does that count?

i just seen a woman near me sell her marine tank for £100 with the proper skimmer and all the live coral, it really was an amazing tank.

I used to have a 4 x 2 x 2 marine tank, and from the very start i was giving the wrong advice and started out with the incorrect filter, advice giving to me buy a tropical store. arggg..... it was beautiful but because i didn't have a skimmer the incorrect poisons were getting took out the tank, and these tanks are quite unique at setting up, you really need to leave them for a year until they become stable enough to put fish in, but me being me must have spent over £1000 on it and then it was the good old algae bloom and then they started to die.

she had a really lovely set up and it was a shame to see it go, but i could see my self with my salinity tester in the middle of the night testing the saltiness of the water.....

I've stuck with my really small tank, ( there's a story about that, don't know if any of you seen it? leaked and i ended up taking the garden center to court as their customer service skills were genk)

need any fish help at all.....gimme a shout
i just seen a woman near me sell her marine tank for £100 with the proper skimmer and all the live coral, it really was an amazing tank.

I used to have a 4 x 2 x 2 marine tank, and from the very start i was giving the wrong advice and started out with the incorrect filter, advice giving to me buy a tropical store. arggg..... it was beautiful but because i didn't have a skimmer the incorrect poisons were getting took out the tank, and these tanks are quite unique at setting up, you really need to leave them for a year until they become stable enough to put fish in, but me being me must have spent over £1000 on it and then it was the good old algae bloom and then they started to die.

she had a really lovely set up and it was a shame to see it go, but i could see my self with my salinity tester in the middle of the night testing the saltiness of the water.....

I've stuck with my really small tank, ( there's a story about that, don't know if any of you seen it? leaked and i ended up taking the garden center to court as their customer service skills were genk)

need any fish help at all.....gimme a shout

I would love a marine setup but they are so expensive ive been looking at the red sea max setup's were you get everything but your talking around £600.
if i can give you one word of warning, think long and hard about a marine set up, i know them inside out now and could save people a lot of heart ache and cash from there pocket.

if you start with the correct equipment then you can get them looking beautiful, you have to carry out tests all the time with them, checking the water, running the skimmer, and then also there's a booster pump that you run to flush out the tank, basically it's like turning the washing machine on for 5 minutes.

they can be gorgeous and expensive at the same time.

I'll see if i can find a few snaps of the one i had.

stick with tropial for now, much more friendly, they still take some looking after though as it's a living creature. i would think i became a "water keeper" rather than a "fish keeper"

apparently wilko's have cheap glass aquariums anyone seen these think i may pop for a look later
Has anyone tried putting Tiger barbs in with a fighter?, I love my fighting fish, I think they are one of the most beautiful tropical fish but they're so I also like watching the tigers chasing each other around, Im worried about them eating my fighters fins tho. I've heard the tigers have a reputation for nipping fins. :(
if i can give you one word of warning, think long and hard about a marine set up, i know them inside out now and could save people a lot of heart ache and cash from there pocket.

if you start with the correct equipment then you can get them looking beautiful, you have to carry out tests all the time with them, checking the water, running the skimmer, and then also there's a booster pump that you run to flush out the tank, basically it's like turning the washing machine on for 5 minutes.

they can be gorgeous and expensive at the same time.

I'll see if i can find a few snaps of the one i had.

stick with tropial for now, much more friendly, they still take some looking after though as it's a living creature. i would think i became a "water keeper" rather than a "fish keeper"


yeah agreed there its all to do with the water but as i say i have kept fish before infact i still do but only shubunkins in my pond but ive had them a good 3-4 years now and they are all healthy and growing well.

I know tanks are harder as its a smaller volume of water but the priciple is the same keeping the correct balance to minimise diseases and algae bloom.

I always run my tropical setup's 6 weeks before introducing any fish and then do so slowly first adding a few of my favourites blue neons :)
Go for a marine setup. but you dont have to buy all the expensive equipment straight away,

you can get very very very good second hand deals on marine setups,

ive had many tropical fish then moved to marine, amazing...

ive got nothing now however next year am going to start up again
Go for a marine setup. but you dont have to buy all the expensive equipment straight away,

you can get very very very good second hand deals on marine setups,

ive had many tropical fish then moved to marine, amazing...

ive got nothing now however next year am going to start up again

Have you had any experience with these nano reff setup's i imagine that your really limited as to the fish you can have in them.

these look ok very tempted with one of these or

for a tropical setup any way.
mine is up for sale if anyone is interested

The Juwel tanks are nice pieces of kit, the corner unit (like yours) always looks as if it it's a lot deeper than it is, a very nice effect.

I have the Juwel Vision 180.

The filters supplied with them are OK, but I ripped mine out and replaced it with an external Fluval 305, which keeps the water in tip-top condition.

A bargain for someone if it stays at that's worth a hella lot more though.
Have you had any experience with these nano reff setup's i imagine that your really limited as to the fish you can have in them.

these look ok very tempted with one of these or

for a tropical setup any way.

Dont waste your time with them, once you get fish and you will probably want a few, the tank will get way to small for them, and you will see fish fighting.

For a nic decent size i rekon 3.5 - 4ft would do nicley,
I don't keep fish ,but I am partial to the odd cod and haddock !
Well ive been out today and bought a juwel rekord 60 yeah its only a 10 gallon tank but i didnt want a big un i havnt got the room got it setup now cycling looks great cant wait till i can add some hardy fish :)

off to wath these nuttahs with the black hhole machine on bbc 4 now i wanna see whats gonna kill us!