Best cat flap advice


Member ++
Mar 14, 2006
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The cat keeps waking us up at 5am to go out so need a cat flap for a wooden door (45mm thick) No, not to throw at the cat.
Was thinking of magnetic first but put off by a few people, so is electronic ID the way to go,
Any suggestions welcome

would be a good idea if you didnt want anything else coming in lol
Be careful when your fitting it m8.

I was off work for 4 weeks after fitting one in an internal door at the start of the year..

It was a hollow panelled door & the jigsaw bounced a few times off the skin at the other end, this combined with the angle I was kneeling damaged the nerve at the 6th cervical vertibrae, couldn't eat, sleep, use the PC or pretty much anything else without it causing me severe pain.

I've only just stopped physio last week.
i've got a magnetic one and never had any problems with other cats coming in and theres loads around my way.

you can also lock it though so you can can go out and not come in, vice versa etc
I would like to fit a cat flap but our back door is a UPVC panelled door. It has 2 recessed panels at the bottom and so I can't see an easy way to fit it.

Are there cat flaps mad for these types of doors?
Looking at a Staywell 500 for about £42 with one ID tag. £13 for replacement tag if you lose one (or if the cat ditches it more like)
Someone mentioned one which works on the cats microchip but ours isnt chipped. Theres a market for someone, chipping cats instead of WIIs.
Will decide this week
The cat keeps waking us up at 5am to go out so need a cat flap for a wooden door (45mm thick) No, not to throw at the cat.
Was thinking of magnetic first but put off by a few people, so is electronic ID the way to go,
Any suggestions welcome


Can you tie a large bell to his collar to stop him killing all the garden birds, to many birds are falling prey to pussy cats its not fair to bird lovers oops rant police might be on my tail yes id collar is best idea stops you getting strays
this should sort your problem out once and for all mate [ame=""][/ame]
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