broadband fairadsl



just sigmed up to fairadsl broadband @£18.99 a month with three months in advance then read up a bit about them on forums and it dont look good they have a few complaints is there anyone here who has also connected to them and how did you get on.they say its impossible to run a service at £18.99 a month.have i chose the wrong one
Profit margin is extremely low at that sort of price so you're going to get a very basic service. Good luck!
this is an update for those thinking of adsl .as you know this is one of the cheapest have been told should be connected tomorrow thats not bad for a cheap company that had so many bad reviews.they did tell me 10 - 14 working days, so far im happy with there service but then again im not connected yet.
Let us know how the installation goes m8. And maybe give us all an update say a month after installation and tell us how good you rate the service/support from them.
all is fine i have had minor problems that they have put down to router problem but of course it wasnt there fault they blamed another company .i am still very happy with it the only problem now is i have recieved an email saying:.

We recently asked P2P users to behave in a responsible manner, but P2P useage has continued to escalate. It seems that a small amount of P2P users are leaving their software permanently connected in the 'background', and continue to upload and download huge amounts of data.

This is affecting the service for everyone and cannot continue. We have decided to implement the following policy as soon as posible.

We will continue to allow P2P and Binary News Group traffic through our network, but will limit the download speed of all such traffic. We will be announcing the speed limit 24 hours prior to 'going live' with this change. We always had the choice of stopping all P2P and Binary News Group traffic, but think that limiting the access speed is a better solution.

The limit we apply will be calculated to give users the highest posible transfer speeds while giving all users access to the type of service they expect from Broadband.

as im a beginner i havent got a clue what it means p2p ?
i can only say i am happy but then again i can only compare it to a 56 dial up connection and it is so much faster than that if any one could explain what it means p2p i will then know if it affects me dark angel says she dont think it will affect someone like me but she wasnt 100%
hi m8 the p2p they r on about is ftp,the hub which we have and these type of things
p2p means person 2 person
hope this helps
It sounds a bit like fair'weather'ADSL to me as narabdela says. They are probably buying their bandwidth off another supplier and will be interested in keeping every users usage to a minimum, increasing their capacity in the process.

I have broadband (Via BT) and transfer quite a bit over it and if I recieved an E-Mail like that I would be extremely annoyed and be compelled to insert their contract into their nearest employees' closest orifice.

It may not affect you so much however if you don't indulge in file sharing ;) . For instance staying connected for days at a time transfering a few Gb...

I would feel violated :eek: if my usage was complained about by TB, but it is happening to more people more often :( ...

not sure how i stand i cant believe they can change policy after you have already signed up i dont know if its against the law or not they may just be trying it on ?the only problem is i had to sign up for 6 months in the end because i bought my modem from a different place i wanted internal modem and they didnt supply them .so have got me by the short and curlys at the moment .

as you say though it dont realy affect me but its the principal of the matter how do companys get away with it ?

this is from fairadsl site they are still advitising this benefits of broadband are.

Leave your computer online for as long as you like. Have a cup of coffee without
worrying about your phone bill.

thats a bit different than what the email says after you sign up.
It seems as if these companies, including some well known ones are able to change their contracts after you make an agreement with them :( .

This is the first instance I've head of a broadband connection being affected, I have heard of quite a few normal services being affected.

Like lots of things, profit margin and greed will get in the way of a good service and I agree that it is the principle of getting exactly what you signed up to even if you don't stay connected for long. There is probably a line or two in the terms and conditions that allows you to cancel if they change the rules.