BT broadband scam


Member +
Jan 26, 2002
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:Angryfire It's true, BT are scamming everyone and making a bloody fortune from us punters. I have been with them since they started doing broadband, I was going to go to another provider and rang to cancel about 6 weeks ago. I was told by an asian woman that if I stayed with them, my fee would be reduced to 21 quid and I would be given 2meg band. So I did, and guess what? everybody is getting 2meg (or at least up to 2 meg) dependant upon your line. So since February of this year, all customers such as me have been paying over 22 quid for 512 band, :Cry: AND new customers can get this for £15.99!!! and we can get it even cheaper elsewhere such as TISCALI !!! :Cry: AND, all customers who have been changed over from Feb have been receiving up to 2 meg band for same price as me on 512. :Cry: AND, people will all get different download speeds because of locality and how good your line is, so although we will all pay the same exorbitant price, everyone will be getting a different service !!! CRAP man. I have e-mailed them to complain, waiting with baited breath to see response.
i'm with BT 2meg no probs, but i know what you are going through m8, i had the exact same arguements with tiscrapi. i told tiscrapi to stick their service and not to send me any letters asking if i want to go back.
I have to disagree with you to an extent m8, I think the price of 2 meg broadband these days is fabulous, when I first went online my phone bills were over £100 a month for a 56k connection, charged at 1p a minute and it used to take me 45 mins to d/l one song from napster....

21 quid a month now and I can d/l a full album in a matter of minutes.... thats fecking good value for money in my books. I was happy to pay £35 a month for 512 a couple of years ago.... I'm over the moon now paying £21 for 2 meg!! Thank you BT.
Waster, it's not particularly the price, however you can get it cheaper elsewhere, it's the fact that other BT customers have been getting 2 meg from Feb, at the same price that I am still paying for 512 from them. Also, even when everyone is upgraded, everyone will be getting different levels of download speed, but still be paying the same price !! Surely it should at the very least be graded?
Funny I got a £2 reduction from BT because the quality (not length) of my line is not sufficient to hold 2 Meg. The same excuse I had for not being able to have 1Meg and then only to get it 6 months later.

What BT failed to remember is that the line is brand new - they did say that they would replace it but it will cost me £75 for the privalidge BUT if it sorted my connection out then I would get a refund.

Why didn't they just plug me up to 2Meg - if I couldn't attain that speed I might have got 1.5 it wouldn't have made any difference to them.
I don't think many have that much to complain about. I'm on £15.99 a month for dial up.

I can't get friggin' broadband :(
poor Kris, can you not get it through cable either, or do you not have that in your area either?
The speed depends on the type of the cable (copper or aluminium) and conductor diameter also about 7km from the local exchange is the furthest it will work at reliably.
Surely you can get broadband via sattelite ? or is it satellite ? anyway Kris, can you not ?