Cat with two faces born in Australia


Inactive User
Jan 27, 2006
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Get out your paranoia response kits -- a kitten with two heads has been born in Western Australia.

Vet George Huber and his nurse Louisa Burgess delivered the grey and white double-face feline at the Swan Veterinary Clinic in Perth. The kitten was born along with two others who did not have any deformities.

Animal lovers need not worry -- the kitten is in a healthy condition. While it is fragile, and smaller than a human hand, it/they (?) eats normally through one mouth and can miaow through both at once.

"I have seen cats with two tails and extra legs, but not this," Burgess told the website, where the strange news was announced. "It has a full tummy and it survived the night so that is a good sign... it seems content, it meows and purrs."

About one in a million cats are born with two faces, according to The Times.

The kitten's owners plan to keep the unusual feline, and say they are planning on calling it either Mr Men or Quasi Modo.

Take a look at some more pictures of the cat below, and let us know what you think in the comments. As long as this isn't a Photoshop hoax, this is the snuggly-wuggliest twofaced kitten we've ever seen.


Source with a lot more pics
That's the prick who was talking about me behind my back.

And I think he made batman bad.
Looks photoshopped, but after tha video - I'm convinced.
It will be on "I can has cheezburger?" at the drop of a hat.
ive known people who say there not 2faced but this takes the biscuit..