Deadly Widow Weaves Web Across Britain


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
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The edge.
A deadly spider related to the Black Widow is spreading across Britain because of climate change, experts have warned.

The False Widow, a purple and black creature with a body the size of a 1p piece, is said to carry enough venom to kill a human.

Since arriving in Devon from the Canary Islands, the spider has established colonies in Devon, Dorset and Cornwall.

The spiders do not usually survive in colder parts of the UK, but a series of mild winters have led them to migrate to other areas.

Spider recorder David Haigh, of Cheltenham, has reported sightings of the species in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.

One was in a shed in Tewkesbury and the other was spotted in Longney, he said.

The False Widow is one of 12 arachnid species known to bite humans in the UK.

In January, Lyn Mitchell became critically ill after she was bitten by one of the creatures while in bed at her home in Egremont, west Cumbria.

Ms Mitchell, 52, suffered a serious allergic reaction to the bite and was rushed to hospital.

"I jumped out of bed, pulled the duvet and sheets back and saw a spider running over the other side," she said at the time.

"It was only tiny, black and shiny, and it ran so quickly.

"When I looked down I noticed two little pin marks on my chest."

The False Widow first started to arrive in banana shipments from the Spanish islands about 140 years ago.

Its bite is not deadly but can cause swelling and severe pain.

Deadly Widow Weaves Web Across Britain - Yahoo! News UK
anyone else see a problem with an article that starts with

"Deadly Widow Weaves Web Across Britain"

and ends with

"Its bite is not deadly but can cause swelling and severe pain."


although it looks like a real mean little bugger ill only be worried if camel spiders find their way over
12?? 12!!!!!!! theres 12 types of spider that bite us in the uk??!!??

FFS!!! i wont sleep for weeks!!

btw i too am confused with "Deadly Widow Weaves Web Across Britain"

then the ending:

"Its bite is not deadly but can cause swelling and severe pain."
if you dont like spiders, dont watch this :proud:

[ame=]YouTube - Huge Spider[/ame]
My mum was bitten by one of these feckers a few weeks ago. It was a very nasty bite!!
i agree we have had warm winters but from what i remember we did aslo have a spout of cold weather ....and not to mention snow...surely they must have died during thos spells.
Isn't this just because some woman had a reaction to a bite a few months ago??

We have literally deadly spiders living in woods in Dorset and Devon but because they require a specific environment and because of other animals they have dwindled.
Thats great just bloody great,spent today tell ing the grandaughter that spiders cant bite you, then this bugger comes along :grayno:
I'm sat here with shivers running up and down my spine, and I haven't done coke for weeks.

I fookin hate spiders!

That's me not going to cornwall again, ever.