dont buy from this guy



hi guys i got ripped off from a member on here name is followthewater from glasgow ripped me off for £100 and pay pal got me £1.50 am fooken ragen :Kickassro so do not buy from this guy his name is dean healy i think u should ban him admin
I think he was lining me up for a stitch but i was to wary, i have seen him pop up on my messenger a few times, when i see him next ill try and trace him see if we can find where he is.
there was several posts about him on the site, seems he's still at it, sorry to hear about your loss madbiker
Best thing to do is dont buy from anyone unless they are a long standing member even then it might be wise to contact a Mod and ask if the member can be trusted to buy from
at the end of the day u are buying from a compleate stranger with no come backs :(
so be wise ;)
wer abouts in glasgow is he from find out m8 and a will pay him a wee visit. thers 1 thing a h8 on this planet is thieving scum and especialy from my own back yard
He asked me to put himself in my contacts (prolly to try and reel me in)....this is his hotmail,
[email protected]
i suggest going to msn and creating a new account and use it to add him to the contacts and if your very wry and he signs on, butter him up, it may take time but his greed will eventually get the better of him and you will find enough info.
im gonna kick his a*s when i catch him. *strokes gun*. i'll teach him a lesson. *looks on map for glasgow*. see you soon, (or possibly up 25 years). ;)
i think this is getting out of hand now the matter is over with i feel sorry for all of you that got ripped off but threatening behaviour is not on and this site is not about that its about learning and sharing advice and having a good friendly natter

this is only my opinion tho....
Have you thought of looking on the electrol roll? for his name ,it may help you narrow the search down as to where this guy who rips people off can be found.

I have UK-INFO V.10 2004 electrol roll on 2 cd's but need a name to search? wots his name?