Fake Tit Cards


Inactive User
Mar 30, 2005
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BEWARE, some people are selling fake TIT cards and they dont update.
People are trying to sell at cheap prices of £40 programmed. Some1 tries to sell 250 in the midlands from lonson
There are fake cards all over the net. Do you have any Spacifics as to where the fake cards are so we can add to the blacklist.. along side cardman :)
These are not off the net, a salesman finds people on the net and says he will deliver 250 + and they look like the tits.

You pay him and never see him again
Yeah M8, i have just been SCAMMED on ebay
with a tit card it said, but when a got it it did not have the hologram on it.........
yet in the advert it did..................and when program it could i get the ****er to work...................... NO.................
great info orderd mine the other day off net, not ebay though .....fingers crossed .
Well someones just saved me some money thank you

peace in da middel east

I think you have got to be very cautious with these offers or any other, people only give sparce details when questions are asked, possibly if buying volume establish firm contacts before parting with cash . (im a very wary ebayer)
you got to be mate in this day and age there are no limits as to how people make there money we have all got to be just in our dealings!

peace in da middel east
wish I read this thread yesterday
I been playin all day with this fookin tit an it won't bloody work probably a fake fooker when I get hold of the little sh*t I'l **###**^%%$$ the little Bas^*ard
put it this way hes gonna give me money back tomorrow.
not so mellow now
Just a quick note to people who got a tit card and then couldn't get it to work when you program it, check out this thread.

then use the titanium fix.zip file, and see if that brings your card to life.
I bought one, and thought it might be a scam, I used that software and programmed it afterwards, works fine. Not had any problems with it since.