Geolocking (aka geoblocking) FAQ


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2004
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What is geolocking?
Geolocking, or geoblocking, is the practice of restricting content to connections from certain a country or countries. For example, the BBC restricts the majority of iPlayer content to connections from the UK.

You said connections and not machines or users, why?
This is a deliberate distinction, as it is not difficult for users out side of the specified area to view the content. This is done by appearing to be connecting from within the correct geographical location. And, for computer users, often a browser plugin is all that's needed.

Which browser plugin?
The two that seem most popular are Hola and Media Hint. Both of which are available for Chrome and Firefox. Hola also has a desktop app for Windows and a mobile app for Android devices.

How do they work?
In simple terms, they change the route that requests for information from the internet are handled. Instead of your browser or computer using your ISP's servers to resolve requests, you use those of the plugin provider.

What if I'm not connecting from a desktop or laptop?
If connecting from a console, try this guide: Netflix USA on UK equipment

If the DNS settings on your console or other device can't be changed, check if they can be altered on your router. If they can, there are both free (e.g. tunlr) and paid for (OverPlay) services.

What other options are there?
Virtual private networks (or VPNs). Although generally slower than the DNS/proxy option, and the best are not free, if you need to appear to be connecting from a specific country and there is no proxy for that country it's pretty much the only choice. Although slower, they tend to be more reliable than the proxy option - something those streaming live events (e.g. EPL) may want to bare in mind.

VPNs are also popular with torrent and other P2P users. However, if you intend to use a VPN for both IPTV and torrents make sure you read the T&Cs. Specifically with regards to IP logs, DMCA notices and the likes.

Can any of these services see my log in details etc?
Not as far as I'm aware. However, rogue DNS servers are not impossible, I'd recommend sticking with popular options and personal recommendations.

Any catches to unblocking services?
Yes, unblocking methods are against the terms and conditions of many subscription services. Even when it's not explicit within the T&Cs, allowing you to connect via VPN, proxy etc is at the discretion of the IPTV service. However, even when such workarounds are prohibited, the IPTV provider will usually block the IP address of the workaround, rather than suspend your account.

Netflix, Hulu etc will have a purge every couple of months. Al Jazeera Sport seems to be much more regular in blocking IPs of the Middle East VPNs and DNS proxies.

The workaround I use has been blocked, what can I do?
With the US based based proxies etc it's usually down a couple of hours and then service as normal.

With less populous areas, such as the Middle East, it often requires new infrastructure (i.e. server) to sort the problem. This is both time consuming and expensive. At the moment pretty much the only reliable way to watch Al Jazeera Sport in the EU is if you know someone in the Middle East who you can set up a VPN with.
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