Get a free premium open source vpn


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VIP Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Guide to setup a free vpn​

Getting a free vpn these days is like a mystery (I am not talking about those weird password crackers who get everything for free). But here is one for free available in the market.

just simply follow these steps:

1- Go to Community Downloads | OpenVPN
and download the installer for openvpn

2- Install the openvpn using the installer

3- For me, Open VPN GUI automatically opened in the tray ( ^ on taskbar). If it didn't just search it up and open it

4- Go to Free Openvpn Server -

5- Go to openvpn tab in racevpn and there you can find many different servers for openvpn.

6- Now choose a vpn and click on "Get this". Now you will land on a different page. If the server is down or inactive just surf for another server. It may get active later.

7- Now type the username and set a password. Check the captcha and create an openvpn account. You will land on another page. DON'T CLOSE IT.

8- Click on "Download config" and a file will be downloaded with ".ovpn" extension.

9- Now go to system tray and navigate to openvpn gui (It looks like an internet sign in windows with lock on it).

10- Now right click on the open vpn gui application. Click on import. Then click on import file. Select the file you just downloaded in step 8. Now it will be saved as name of the country vpn e.g. us and _racevpn after it.

11- Click on it and then on connect.

12- Now it will ask you to enter username and password. Simply copy this from page you were redirected to in step 7.

13- Horray! you are anonymous now.
But you dont know who you are dealing with and they are getting all your info!!!!!
its out there no one is forced to use it 🤣