HELP proggin PIC12f629 using Multiprog PLEASE


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VIP Member
Jul 23, 2005
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Hello All,

I think I have successfully programmed a PIC12f629 using Multiprog and a programmer a mate borrowed me - but am not 100% sure??

I been reading cheekymonkeys homebrew_Wii_installation_guide, in which it advises me to use ICprog to program the chip, but I could not get that to work, kept on getting various error messages - maybe cos it didn recognise my mates progger?? Well I think I done it anyway using mutliprog as mentioned but was concearned about the OSC value which is mentioned in the guide. I could not find anywhere in the multiprog software that would show me the "Address - Programme Code", so was unable to make a note of this OSC value! Should I be worried about this or can I carry on with the next stage of opening up my Wii and starting the soldering process???

Any advise on the above would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time and help.
You don't need the OSC value for wiifree/yaosm. don't worry about it, you could try picpgm instead.
Thanks for the advise Wiiman, can you tell me what picgm is please? Is it another program like icprog or somin?

I don't think I need it, cos as you mentioned, I don't need to worry about the OSC value?? I mananged to programme the chip I have with 2.45 hex using the multiprog interface.

Thanks again though for your time & advise.

You don't need the OSC value for wiifree/yaosm. don't worry about it, you could try picpgm instead.
that iron will be fine, try and get some good old 0.8mm lead solder rather than the rubbish tin stuff maplin sells
Kewl, thanks for the advise mate. From reading cheekymonkeys guide again, it says to get an iron with a tip of 0.12 for this type of job, but dosen say if thats millimeters or what?? from checking out the faq's for the iron I am going to purchase, it says it has a tip of 2.3mm, that sounds larger than what is required don't you think???

that iron will be fine, try and get some good old 0.8mm lead solder rather than the rubbish tin stuff maplin sells
yeah its in mm, its all down to practice thou find a scrap pcb from somewhere and practise soldering wires etc on it before tackling the wii.

a little tip for reducing the size of the tip of the iron is to wrap a paper clip around the tip to make the tip smaller
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