Hosting Site


VIP Member
VIP Member
Jun 3, 2001
Reaction score
E11 & The Boro
Hi all, I am in the process of creating a Fantasy Football site for me and the lads.

The trouble is it's in ASP.Net and uses an SQL database. When I am trying to find a Host, they are charging business rates all of the time!!!

However I am aware that you can host your own sites, I have everything installed etc.... but I am using a router.

Can anyone help me and advise how I can set up the site on my computer so the lads can access the pages on my site?

Everything installed .... a server, sql etc ??

May be wrong here (only just got mine up and running from home) but will asp only run on windows server .... if so then might need ODBC database.

As said not sure so apologies if wrong

Can I ask why use asp ??
No I can visit the site on my own machine, I have the IIS installed and MySQL. Just need to know now how people can connect to the site on my computer but I think I need to tell the router something?
IIS is the problem its shit !!!!

use apache M8 i have used IIS b4 and nothing ut trouble from that hunk of junk :(

and also i am sure aswell that asp uses Windows SQL Server ???

also i could be wrong here

but i know you are having problems with connecting to your site because of router :) , and have you set up IIS to use your ip addy and not localhost ????

if you really have to use IIS then go for it... but i have not used asp stuff maybe it needs IIS and cant use apache ???

but i got a site running with IIS and found that i could not get people to connect ... found i needed to set the ip addy as the host

and after found it would still not work (i bloody hate IIS) then i found i needed to set my permissions for NTFS so that the internet/guest account had read and (be careful) write access

it worked after that but was slow as hell on BB ... so i dumped and used apache (apache is the nutz... difficult to set up but once done correctly it kicks ass !!!

hope some of this helps you m8 and sorry for banging on lol !
Yeah someone today also recommended Apache at work. I'm goinf to give that a go providing it works with and SQL.

Cheers Mickie, i'll let you know how I get on.
Got my site running at home using Apache etc (see my thread ... in General, ... LOL).

Have heard microsoft servers are more prone to be attacked.

Make sure you have a good firewall

If you want to send me the files I will place them as a web site so you can see if they work with Apache then you will know if it works or not (but as said before I think asp is for microsoft servers)
Got a few things to try and a few sites off google. I'll let you know how I get on.