huge ant conoly

it took 10 tons of cement

Scary ants video

is ant conoly relatated to billy conoly?

is ant conoly relatated to billy conoly?


pmsl, i hate that coont. can a mod please remove that picture and the name please as he is the most unfunniest person in the world, i think my goldfish joke was better than his jokes.
So they decided to destroy the colony to do that?

What utter dicks.
them little fookers can build its amazing but sad they have to destroy the colony to see it

good news is they only have to do it to one colony, they wanna come look at the ants in my garden :)
they say towards the end 'its truely a wonder of the world'

and the w@nkers killed everything in it and destroyed the actual structure just to be left with a mold of it

surely with the technology available they could have seen it without exterminating the whole lot
Mind boggling that a colony of ants excavated 40 Tons of Soil....................


m8 you need to change your sig ... when I read your posts I can hear them in a Norris stylee