Indian Ring Neck

i've changed me mind on me chrissy pressie, oh and thanks for all those that replied to me last thread, but i've decided to get hollie a little wee buddie to keep her

an indian ring neck.... well i've gotta check it with me avian vet first just to make sure their compatible

Comes down to how long you,ve had hollie, Tweeny,

parrots get less sociable as they get older and she may attack another bird out of jealousy for you, you should try her with another parrot first, do you know anyone who would let you try her out with thier parrot, you will need to keep them caged on first intro, it takes time for them to get used to each other, remember aviary stockists will want to sell regardless of the outcome, we have South American Conures they won,t tollerate any other birds and are very posessive of me and the wife, they are even jealous of our dog,

regards dave
I'd like to visit a country where Parrots fly free.

I reckon it would be pretty spectacular seeing those colourful beasties skimming the tree tops :)

In this country all we have is flying mince and rats. :(

regards dave

ur pushing it a bit there hun, but i see the W and E and next to each other so i assume u have big fingers :roflmao:

thanks for the info hun, i know quite a lot about parrots anyway, i've given many members on here advice on their birdie's... i just wanted to show u all my birdie's new soon

My avian vet is the vice chairman of the parrot soceity A former Chairman of the European Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarians, he also served a term on the AAV Board of Directors. Currently he is a member of BVZS and BSAVA, and regularly attends seminars and conferences organised by all these groups, as well as presenting papers at meetings of these associations. so as mentioned in my post, i'll check with him

on the other note u mentioned, yes she is fine with other birds, i had me friends african grey stay here for about 3 months a little while back.

It's to keep her busy and i think she preferes dog's, but i can't be doing with the hairs. The other draw back about them being quite different in sizes is that, they won't be able to ever to go into the same cage, which is putting me in 2 minds about it.... i couldn't have me hollie in a smaller cage as i see that as unfair, although she's bloody rarely in it, and the smaller bird could live in hollie's cage cos of the size of the spacing between the bars.....too big apart and is dangerous for the smaller one's and too small apart for the bigger ones are too dangerous for them....thats why u should always get the correct size cage for the correct size bird.

i'll let u know what happens. x