Nexus 5 or Samsung S4?


Inactive User
Jan 15, 2014
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I am ready for my upgrade and I was wondering which phone is the best at the moment?

My pal is swaering by his new nexus 5 as he says it is open source, but I am more swayed to the S4 as Samsung have a better history of equipment so to speak.

Any opinions?

I am ready for my upgrade and I was wondering which phone is the best at the moment?

My pal is swaering by his new nexus 5 as he says it is open source, but I am more swayed to the S4 as Samsung have a better history of equipment so to speak.

Any opinions?


Don't rule out the HTC one or the LG g2. The one and the S4 can both be turned into a Google edition phone with a bit of modding so they look/feel like the N5, not sure about the LG though

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
S4 has a better camera, SD card slot, Eye tracking and proper worldwide LTE. Nexus 5 has newer faster CPU, latest android Kit Kat software on it.

Vanilla android is much nicer than samsungs bloatware..Maybe a S4 with a custom ROM like CyanogenMod is a good compromise then you still get new android and keep the benefits of better camera, SD card slot etc..

Ot better still hold on a few months the Galaxy S5 is rumoured to launch around april time. Google Play customer support is very poor I had lots of issues with Nexus 4 wifi..Google Play denied any phone or software issues for months and blamed my ISP even though every other device in my house including my Nexus 7 and Samsung galaxy S3 had no problems with Wifi.
Eventually the Android 4.2.2 update fixed this issue, there are still however other unfixed bugs with the nexus 4 which I experience...but I have workariunds for them which I discovered myself..bcause google support is that poor...
I went for a Nexus 5 32gb and very happy with it. In the end I decided to buy the phone via google play for £350 inc postage and then got a 12 month all you can eat contract with Three that is 4g and allows tethering. Worked out cheaper of the 2 years.
I am a happy owner of samsung s4 and frankly I find it really well ...... if it were not for the size would keep into consideration the note 3​​.
nexus series in my opinion is best (Pure android from google) no spices added that make devices laggy
I think wait littlebit. Now out new Samsung galaxy s5 or Sony Xperia Z2. If you want now i think best choise is Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
i agree with the sammys, the nexus and htc are sealed units and the batteries are not easily replacable. We all know how batteries fade in very short order, my note 2 needed a new battery only after 13 months, my wife htc one x is almost unusable now and its not even 2 years old (battery life of now around 6 hours standby, originally it was never a brill phone anyway).

Sd cards are another issue, and imho the biggest rip off on phone now. how can they charge 100s more for slightly more memory when in real terms it cost them peanuts.
I loved htc until they pulled this trick on the one x, and all the current models are deal breakers, until they bring back user removable cells and memory im with samsung.