Not sure if this is real,but its pretty amazing anyway


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
just got this in a email

Several years ago this woman found a sick malnourished lion cub in the jungle.
She took the cub home and fed him and brought him up
until he was too big to keep anymore.
Then she made arrangements with a zoo in Colombia to take the lion.

Here's a video of what happened when she went to visit
him in the zoo for the first time:

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All I get is this, :FRIGHT:

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<td height="19" class="Estilo2">La mujer&nbsp;en el video encontr&oacute; a este le&oacute;n herido y a punto de morir en la selva. Se lo llev&oacute; a su casa y cuid&oacute; de &eacute;l hasta que mejor&oacute;.<BR>
Cuando el le&oacute;n se&nbsp;recuper&oacute;, llam&oacute; a un zool&oacute;gico e hizo algunos arreglos para que se lo llevaran y le brindaran un nuevo hogar, donde pudiesen seguir cuidando de &eacute;l.<BR>
Este video fue filmado cuando la mujer fue a visitar al le&oacute;n en el zool&oacute;gico tiempo despues.&nbsp;La reacci&oacute;n del le&oacute;n cuando la ve es INCREIBLE!</td>
<a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Regresar </a><br>
Ive edited first post ,see if that helps guys

worked fine for me though as I checked it
Lovely story and amazing video. Cant help thinking that a wild animal will always be a wild animal and you should never take anything for granted with them.
****, she's got some balls, i dont think i would've done that just in case, amazing to see though
great video, dont think i would have took the chance to get that close though
A very big


from me. Great vid, thanks for posting.

The link doesn't work in Firefox, IE is fine.
wow, that`s amazing.
what if it was the wrong one though ??? all lions look the same to me, or is that a bit stereotypical lol
Myself and my whole family all said "awww that's nice" :)

Smashing clip.