NTL-1gig a day


Inactive User
Jul 2, 2001
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I`ve heard a rumour that ntl are going to limit their broadband customers to a maximum download of 1gig in a 24hour period.
i have a 1mb connection so i could theoretically use my allowance up in a few hours.
Anybody heard of this?
Yea read in a paper last week, only its that they are going they already have
ye they have i've spoken 2 them and they confirmed it to me that thay have so a bit of a p***** cos i'm on the 1mb connection so once i've downlaoded 1gig off kazza i wont be able 2 download from it for an other 24 hours. which i think it stinks that we pay for the service of the 1mb connection but get limited 1gig. ye all rite if your on say 128kb connection but not if ur on the 1mb they sould have at least doubled it or tripled it. e.g.
128kb-1gig download aloud
600kb-2gig download aloud
1mb-3gig download aloud