Pay as you go B B



Want broadband but cant afford it or dont use the net enough,

then try this,

Are you paying too much for Broadband? On PAYGoDSL you could save money on your Broadband bill.

Taking a wide cross section of current MetroNet ADSL customers, our research shows that up to 60% of 'home' users and over 43% of 'business' users would immediately benefit by switching to PAYGoDSL.

If these statistics were reflected across the user base of other ISPs, PAYGoDSL would offer real savings for thousands of people currently paying too much for Broadband.

PAYGoDSL will particularly appeal to families and small businesses whose online patterns can be a lot more variable than larger companies with more sustained usage, for whom flat rate Broadband packages may be more suitable.

Unlike the traditional Pay-as-you-go model (dialup internet and mobile phones) which most people are already used to, PAYGoDSL will be marked by some unique aspects to ensure that costs don't run away as far as the customer is concerned, nor will there be a requirement to pay for usage up front or caps applied on how much you can download/upload.

PAYGoDSL is not free Broadband, a loss leading service or just a pie-in-the-sky idea. It is a very practical proposition that left the drawing board months ago, from a company versed in delivering innovative and proven Internet services the likes of Just The Name, Port995 and Pay As You Host, since 1996.

We're on track to launch PAYGoDSL in March and if you want to be one of the first to know how the service works, together with details on packages and prices then subscribe to our mailing list (below).

NB: Inclusion in the mailing list does not oblige you to take up PAYGoDSL but will provide you exclusive first option on subscription and discounted activation fee.

scoot;) :Clap:
That's quite an interesting find Sc@@t.
I've had loads of people ask me about ADSL and then get put off because 'they don't use it that much', including my dad.
So this look like an ideal product and I've put his name on the mailling list, we'll see what the cost is, hopefully before too long.:Clap:
hi m8,

Dont know about this one L G I,m undecidedm8,

if it takes off it could be massive,

but Ive seen these sorts of things in other forms of business,

If they get enough peeps signing up for it and can make a profit
margin it runs an runs,

but if they dont they collapse and peeps lose their money,

but if its pay as you go peole cant lose unless theres a massive deposit put up front:)

Regards Scoot;)