


please can anyone tell me if they are with pipex if i can download p2p on the £23.99 package or do i have to sign up for the next one up £29 i asked them they say i need the dearest one (of course ).also what sort of speeds can you download from the likes of kazaa ,winx.

thank you
I havent got pipex myself m8 but one of my m8's has the £23.99 package and he uses edonkey for d/loading all the time. I think thats the only one he uses but I'm sure if edonkey works then the others will too.

Why not just go for the £23.99 one and if it isnt as fast as you'd like then upgrade to the £29.99 one.
No problems with the cheap Pipex package. My kids are always doing big downloads on kazaalite.
just got to try and get my cbuk number so i can migrate to pipex my own company dont want to give it to me
Go for it. As far as I'm concerned, Pipex was fit and forget. No problems at all.

:) :)
Using Pipex, have d/l and u/l for 5 days non stop before now.

Unless Pipex are going to do an NTL job then should be no probs
Originally posted by digiperson
Using Pipex, have d/l and u/l for 5 days non stop before now.

Unless Pipex are going to do an NTL job then should be no probs

Do an NTL, what do you mean digip?

im on pipex £23.99 aswell ... and to be homest i have never used any other DSL connection but i dont intend to either !!!

i never have problems pipex are fantastic m8
Originally posted by Mairyhinge
Do an NTL, what do you mean digip?


NTL now restrict the amount of downloading you can do in a day to 1 gig... I dont think I've ever downloaded more than one gig in a day though and I've had adsl/cable for almost 3 years now.