put a tiger in your tank

Thought so, I had to watch it twice the first time I saw it. Its amazing how high the tiger jumps and how fast he does it!
That was tigress karym not a he ;) and the size of her tbh i really hope they didnt kill her because she ate a cpl of peeps because tigers are nearly wiped out because of humans as it is.

Stunning stunning animal my favourite of the big cats without a doubt.
That was tigress karym not a he ;) and the size of her tbh i really hope they didnt kill her because she ate a cpl of peeps because tigers are nearly wiped out because of humans as it is.

Stunning stunning animal my favourite of the big cats without a doubt.
bloody hell, the males get bigger?
they should of got that lion man down there! anyone watch that? best programme on sky!! :D
bloody hell, the males get bigger?

taken from wiki.

Tigresses are smaller than the males in each subspecies, although the size difference between male and female tigers tends to be more pronounced in the larger subspecies of tiger, with males weighing up to 1.7 times as much as the females.[15] In addition, male tigers have wider forepaw pads than females. This difference is often used by biologists in determining the gender of tigers when observing their tracks.[16]