Really tempted on TM800


DW Regular
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
So I dabble in sat a little and quite enjoy it to be honest.
Been thinking of HD for sometime now, what with BBC and ITV HD showing the world cup and having a working EPG!!!

Really tempted on a TM800.... it seems a good price for what the box can do and would suit my sat needs perfectly.

I don't mind that the software is'nt fully stable, that will come with time and its quite interesting being "part" of the development of the software.

I got a baby due end of July so it's alittle difficult to justify spending 250quid close to due date.

I got a baby due end of July so it's alittle difficult to justify spending 250quid close to due date.!

Well no amount of TV, not even the World Cup is more important than that IMHO. If you're deffo sure you've got all expenses covered there then endulge yourself, but newborns and expendable incomes don't make a good mix - make sure your relationship with the mrs can take the hit ;)

You need to have a good read at the sort of problems some people are having with them. The images aren't stable enough yet so might be better off waiting until Vu+ Solo is released and then compare the 2 as by that time there should be a good enough image available to be a contender. Others may argue you're better off shelling out for a VU+ Duo but it's not fair to compare it to the TM800 as it's over £100 more of a machine....
Well no amount of TV, not even the World Cup is more important than that IMHO. If you're deffo sure you've got all expenses covered there then endulge yourself, but newborns and expendable incomes don't make a good mix - make sure your relationship with the mrs can take the hit ;) ....

LOL - Sounds like something in an Agony Aunt section... Well said Blokeinkent!!
Image stability is not an issue for me.

As long as I remember to stay away from certain incomplete features, my TM800 is every bit as stable as the clone DM800 and even the Spiderbox that I had a loan of, yesterday it crashed only once, but that was during Big Brother, so no wonder. ;)

My problem (if I can call it that) is the lack of advertised features. I'd really like to see the Media Player functions added asap then the PVR added.

oh and the static IP address thingy needs sorted too, I never use DHCP on my network.

I was 100% certain that I was going to sell the TM800 and buy the VU+ Duo after the image was completed, but now I'm not so sure. All we need is some support from some of the bigger Dev teams.
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Support from the bigger dev teams will require TM/Itgate to pull out some teams dont work for free..
Agreed this would make a big improvement...over UR Team which I consider low end/average at best compared to Proper PLi, DreamElite, Gemini, NabiloSat etc...
PLi and Nabilo would be my two favourites. Hopefully TM will get the wallet out bring in some more creditable Devs. Don't they realise that confidence in a box would increase ten-fold if they announce that certain well respected Dev teams are supporting their hardware.

It looks as though DS Team may be jumping on the bandwagon.
PLi and Nabilo would be my two favourites. Hopefully TM will get the wallet out bring in some more creditable Devs. Don't they realise that confidence in a box would increase ten-fold if they announce that certain well respected Dev teams are supporting their hardware.

It looks as though DS Team may be jumping on the bandwagon.

There was DS team images for the TM600 as well they seemed to be even less popular than the UR Team images...
lol, oh well, at least it's something else to play with. :)
if you are even considering the tm800 and live anywhere near edmonton i would pay tm a visit and see the box as well as get to see it in action. i am happy i waited and did not spend the extra cash a dm or vu+ would have cost. for the cash there is no question this machine is a must for any upgrade to hd or for a fist time box.
I was one of the people who were eagerly waiting for this box to come out, but now it has I have decided not to purchase one.

Couple of reasons why, firstly I got the sky half price deal with HD box whilst waiting for TM to release this box, it costs me about £23 a month for now, with that I get a fully functioning STB with PVR and a full EPG, option to record series etc bla bla.

Now I am not knocking the TM800 as I have only read the reports on here, but the cost of these boxes is so high now it really doesn't seem worth the hassle right now.

For me I need to see the price drop a lot, and for the images to improve before I would consider it, it seems the option for having a HD box really loads up the price, but these companies have to realise (dream Technomate etc) that most people who opt for a "hackable" STB are looking to save money and the price point is a little to high right now imo
Couple of reasons why, firstly I got the sky half price deal with HD box whilst waiting for TM to release this box, it costs me about £23 a month for now, with that I get a fully functioning STB with PVR and a full EPG, option to record series etc bla bla.

Great price for the full Sky package. I was paying that for a handful of Analogue channels 15 years ago.


Can you watch YouTube on your Digibox?
Can you watch Webcams on your Digibox??
Does it allow you to watch downloaded movies?
Can you change the colours and general appearance of the OSD on your Digibox?
Can you listen to Internet radio on your Digibox?
Can you cardshare and get PAy TV packages for free on your Digibox?
Can you have a webcam chat on your Digibox?

Now I am not knocking the TM800 as I have only read the reports on here, but the cost of these boxes is so high now it really doesn't seem worth the hassle right now.

The TM800 is a typical Linux box. Software is a bit 'young', but I've seen the
full complete release image (Beta) and it is superb - yes it is full of bugs and that is why it has been delayed.

For me I need to see the price drop a lot, and for the images to improve before I would consider it, it seems the option for having a HD box really loads up the price, but these companies have to realise (dream Technomate etc) that most people who opt for a "hackable" STB are looking to save money and the price point is a little to high right now imo

Go buy a DM800 clone then.

And may God have mercy on your soul.

I have a htpc equipped with a DVB-S2 PCI card that lets me do all the things you mentioned and more which works great for me, the iplayer is very good which the family use a lot.

I wouldn't buy a dm800 clone, in fact never got a dm500 clone, still have an original dm500 from DVB24 guy in Germany :proud:

Problem is I look at it this way, lets say I wanted to have my current package in two rooms and share the card, first I would have to buy 2 x TM800 costing over £500, and then hope that no attacks on C/S take place.

I still have to pay for my sub so I have something to share, but I could just pay £10 a month and have a second box (forgive me for saying such things) :Biggrin2: and save out on the hardware.

I hope that the TM will get developed and become better than my TM9100 that is gathering dust, but for me because of the price and lack of working functions it's just a non starter.

I think they need to get the development going along with a price point no more than £150 to make it go

Nothing wrong to watch anything's comes out of sky box.
1-a movie which you watch in sky box its been cut by at least 20% to add adverts also increase the numbers of movies to 13 or 14 per day.
2-Resolution in sky boxes is same as components out of tm800 round 550 lines
3-in total picture quality of sky box made in the budget so you get it free or pay near nothings.
I can write another 20 lines to tell you all the my opinion there is no pros except getting on with it.
if that is what you want and you happy with it it will be point less to explained the picture quality of tm800 verses sky box.
price comparison of tm800 and dm 800 original .to me tm800 original worth not more than £50 in comparing to tm800.and you are saying its too expensive.
I have compared sky hd box and tm800 .I will not waste my time watching that toy.
convenience or quality that is the question,
I am using tm800 I think I chose quality 70% of functions working even few function not ready yet I will wait week or two
English is obviously not his first language but what i think he is saying is that the picture quality of the Sky box is crap compared to a Tm800
English is obviously not his first language but what i think he is saying is that the picture quality of the Sky box is crap compared to a Tm800

I have to agree mate!!

Side by side the Sly HD Box and my TM800 I have to say the HD picture from the TM800 wipes the floor with the Sly Box (Specially channels such as Eurosport HD) and I have been informed by TM that its going to get better with the future firmware updates!!
I just thought Id put my penny's worth in. Bare in mind that Im not much of an expert and the only other box I have had is a clone DM500 which I still think is a great box for the money. I thought I would get a hd box for the world cup and despite reading a lot of mixed review and mostly scaremongering on a few forums I decided to take the plunge on the TM mostly because I cant justify £400 for a VU+ and didn't want to wait for the solo and knowing that it could take a while for everything to be sorted. I have to say that so far I am impressed. SD picture is good but HD is fantastic ( having nothing to compare it with). Updating now is a doddle with the blue button and it is very stable. The box did get a little hot but not much more than my other box so I decided to get a fan which has worked a treat. Dont get me wrong, it is not perfect since there are quite a few features missing but I did know what I was buying and had faith in the guys getting it right. For basic functions I cant complain. Now I cant wait for the HDD to get sorted and would also like to see a few other things developed like hiding locked channels and updates without resetting everything. I just hope the good work continues and even more dev teams get on board and let this box realise its full potential. Jeez I gotta get a life:banana: