Regions Bank


Inactive User
Aug 9, 2001
Reaction score
feck i am getting these scams e-mails most everyday now had another 2 bank ones like this one they must be banks in the usa as i have never heard of them w@ankers lol

Dear Regions Bank member,
Our systems recently detected your card being used in Europe in an attempt to withdraw funds from your account. At the moment we are trying to trace and resolve the provenience of this matter, and we need your help in doing so. We are asking that you get involved in helping us trace these bruteforcing attempts and thus keeping Regions Bank a safe place for your account. Please use the link below to access our mainframe database verification system and confirm the information we have on file for your account.
To update your account information and start using our services please click on the link below:

Note: Requests for information will be initiated by Regions Business Development; this process cannot be externally requested through Customer Support.

Regions Bank Management
The cheeky swines even put a warning on the webpage to be aware of fraudulent emails
tbh that looks a genuin site lmao... good luck to them... after all without them skanking loads off fraud investigators would be out of a job..