Samsung s3 update to 4.3 issues


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VIP Member
Jul 5, 2001
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Updated my phone last night and now i wish i hadnt,battery hasnt even lasted a day and my phone constantly downloads my pictures and leaves them in the notification bar :grayno:i read samsung have now removed the update because of issues with it but its a bit late for people like me who've done it already........ god i hope them put out an update asap
glad you posted this, mine asked me today to update but i was busy with it and cancelled it, will wait a while.

seems like samsung already know of a lot of issues with 4.3 and are working on it
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I have updated my wife s3 to 4.3 as well and it has been one problem after the other. Freezing, blank screen etc
4.3 is's probbaly samsungs implentation with touchwiz overlays that have messed it up. This is where Nexus devices have an upper hand, clean vanilla android updates released before other manufacturers get them.
You could always root yuor phone and use a custom ROM like cyanogen mod ..or just wait for samsung to get their act together
same here . contant problems . turning itself off . battery life is shocking . awful
Sounds like im one of the lucky ones as all im having probs with now is battery not lasting all day...I are sorting it out
Still no update and phones being a right pain in the arse,had a phone call today,blank screen but kept ringing and no option to answer it :( Come on samsung pull ya finger out
Samsung have put a post on facebook today about it, they have completely pulled the update for s3 because its so bad but still available for s4 .
Ive emailed samsung now so lets see if I get a reply

Sent from my GT-I9300
Ive emailed samsung now so lets see if I get a reply

Sent from my GT-I9300

I'd just download the 4.2 fw off sammobile and flash back, you could be waiting a long time

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
Mate if only I had the balls to install a custom rom..been watching the s3 running kitkat on youtube and it runs like a dream

Sent from my GT-I9300
have kitkat running on my s3 with no problems as of yet!!! great rom
I'm waiting for Slimkat, be running Slim 4.3 for ages with no problems. Would never go back to Sammy firmware, not difficult to root and install plenty of tuts out there.
apparently the update was wiping the efs folder. kitkat isnt much better thhan JB in my opinion, at least on the nexus 7
Happy as lamb now just received update this morning, phones working like a dream now

Sent from my GT-I9300
Both me and the daughter have these phone,s her updated this morning but mine hasn't got no idea why they both the same model.
I was also quite lucky, no issues at all but the OTA update failed three times, used kies in the end.

No real change but the network shows up as "EE - @@@@@@@@@@@@" and not "EE", other than that, all good
you have to be post clocking, there is a huge change to the software and lay out of the mobile, even they way it displays txt messages.