So who taken a day off work because of the snow???


Inactive User
Nov 24, 2005
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Well just been given the day off from work, as there is no way in to get into work as all the london buses have been suspended, and the tube is totally fecked. I Will enjoy the monday morning by making a snowman with the misses. iT makes you wounder how abit of bad weather grinds the country to a halt.
It makes you wounder how abit of bad weather grinds the country to a halt.

And they've known about it for days!

I can't remember ever having a day off of work because of snow and I live in the north east of Scotland so have seen some really heavy snow over the years.

We only get the day off when public transport is suspended too.
Yep got to the station at 5:45 to find all trains from Kent to London cancelled and all main motorways with serious problems M20 closed and M2 with loads of accidents :(
Day off for me today...not taking any chances driving in this weather, so I'll just have to sit in front of the lappy today, absolutely gutted..:Laugh:

Its not even snowing here

I have never had a day off for snow or anything weather related. I remember as a kid when we used to listen to see if the school was closed
I was awoken this morning by GMTV issuing warnings more akin to a nuclear holocaust than a bit of semi frozen water,the said programme then cut to some dim reporter who said and i quote "i have never seen anything quite like it" oh for f*** sake you silly bitch, where have you lived for the past 35 yrs f***** Africa ??.
Next up was a man in a big coat and wellies stood in 2 inches of snow telling me on no account to leave the house unless its an absolute emergency.Well i only have 2 cigarettes left does this count ???
Ok im going now to see if i can fight my way up my lightly dusted garden path to my car and then risk life and limb travelling along the heavily gritted motorway to that arctic hell known around these parts as STOCKPORT.
Goodbye dw ers its been a blast .
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Just got into work after a 40 mile commute along the m40 and m25 and no other bugger's turned up. Everyone else live about 5 miles from work and decided it was just far too dangerous. It's not THAT bad! I used to live in lancashire and regularly drive across the pennines in much worse conditions than this and nobody batted an eyelid. Think people aren't as used to snow in the south, and it scares the crap outta everybody. Having said that, I'm going home as soon as rush hour's over, 'cos I don't want to be late home for my tea! Wish I was in the wifes 1.0ltr front wheel drive hatchback though, my beemers a bit of a handful today :)
The last time we had a decent amount of snow, just before christmas, I had half a day off work because the roads were gridlocked. Had about 1 1/2 inches of snow last night here. The side roads were pretty bad as I live in the hills above Bolton but the main roads were fine, as is town centre where I work, so unfortunatly I'm in work today.
They were forcasting heavy snow for tomorrow round here though.

Anyway, at least I'm not having to pay for the heating :)

I was awoken this morning by GMTV issuing warnings more akin to a nuclear holocaust than a bit of semi frozen water,the said programme then cut to some dim reporter who said and i quote "i have never seen anything quite like it" oh for f*** sake you silly bitch, where have you lived for the past 35 yrs f***** Africa ??.
Next up was a man in a big coat and wellies stood in 2 inches of snow telling me on no account to leave the house unless its an absolute emergency.Well i only have 2 cigarettes left does this count ???
Ok im going now to see if i can fight my way up my lightly dusted garden path to my car and then risk life and limb travelling along the heavily gritted motorway to that arctic hell known around these parts as STOCKPORT.
Goodbye dw ers its been a blast .

I can't remember ever having a day off of work because of snow and I live in the north east of Scotland so have seen some really heavy snow over the years.

It's not THAT bad! I used to live in lancashire and regularly drive across the pennines in much worse conditions than this and nobody batted an eyelid. Think people aren't as used to snow in the south, and it scares the crap outta everybody.

Amazing isn't it. A few inches here in Leicester and you would think the end of the world had arrived.
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my side road and has not been gritted, cars are sliding all over the place, people have no clue how to drive on an icy road, how hard is it to go slow until you get to a defrosted road with decent traction on it, eeediots.
im off work too but we are open theres only one guy at work. cant go anywhere cos the exit to our street is blocked off by a crashed car and the owner has just left it there.
The kids have been given the day off so we're all at home today. We've just about to go sledding in the park so it's nothing but fun today.

I wish we had two inches of snow everyday :)
Wokring from home today, well gonna help the kids build a snowman

no trains from the southeast into london, both Southern & South Eastern trains are out
During my time as a Union rep I always had problems getting payment for absence due to bad weather. Usually because the man who lived 20 miles away got in and the man just up the road didnt.
lo closed the garage half day , didnt see the point no customer that where booked in showed up ..

bet its the same tomorrow too .. just wot the country needed and proper winter of discontent
i went in work.. went up the pennines to work.. boss kept ringing me up asking if i was ok.. he said dont stay out too long.. go home.. lol.. told him ill do a bit of work then ill go.. fineshed at 2pm and went sleep ont couch..

Just been out as we have 10cm of snow on the roads.. did a few hand brake turns.. and power sliding..on a car park.. its just not fun anymore :(
Did 200 miles yesterday, all the main roads were clear, just the side roads that needed a little extra care on, hopefully not be doing as many today, missed out on coffee's at McD's :)