Spare modem


Member +
Aug 4, 2001
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Bought a Ambit Broadband modem secondhand
so l could use my laptop upstairs .
I ran a cable straight from external brown box to my bedroom
but no matter what l do the modem wont conect to internet
can someone inform me if
l need to fit a filter if so how do l know
what grade and what do these filters do?
Or l best splitting the working modem connection?
Also can Ntl shut modems down

personally m8 i would have just gone for sharing a network connection.

in answer to can ntl cut off a modem the answer is yes m8 the modem stores all your data what package your on user name & password. This is how after a format you don't need to re-register.
I think it is only possible to have one IP Address IE One modem on one line. You will need a router or a cheaper alternative is as Chris says, a network, bearing in mind with this solution both PCs have to be on. :)
it is all down to ur nic card network interface card
the mac address is stored on there computer tell them u sometimes use ur laptop on the internet give them the mac address and ask them to add it to ur account
they will
and u should then be able to use both

u can get the mac address if u go to command prompt and type


u will see ur mac address there
Is the mac address different for each modem?
I am just concerned Ntl may ask how come l have an extra
modem and want it back as it says on the back property of ntl
the mac address is on the nic card
can only you isp supplier activate this
or is there any way to clone a mac address?
I checked ipconfig/all
modem is not activated
it is the physical address of the nic(network card )
u need this is the mac address
u can clone a mac address on a router
but as i said find out ur mac on the bnetwork card and add it to ur account

tell them u do work on ur laptop and need it to be connected
this way u can have 2 mac addresses :)
The mac address on the modem is logged on you account.
All modems that are not in service are taken off the active list so to speak (the odd one does slip through )
so whan a modem that is connected to the network and is mac does not match up its given a RESTRICTED IP that will only let it connect to the Registration servers at NTL. Also when the modem has been registared its then given its sevice level is bronze silver,gold.
The modem only stores your service level no user names or passwords are on the modem
with dial up they would know who you are by username and pass and log it against you number you are calling in from
but with Broadband its the mac address of the modem
(So if you were to do some hacking they could trace it down to IP and MAC and look on the list to see who the mac belongs to ie your account and address)
in theory you can have as many CM on you cable feed to your house so long as the power levels are ok for each modem
but normall ntl only allow 1 modem per address there are the odd and rare exceptions to the rule
ie share house (bedsits)
but the thing is as far as i know ntl have never sold ambit modems bit like the digi boxes
some of the older modems customers could buy but that changed a while ago
so in speaking that modem is still ntl property but thats another thread
so unless you know some tech in a call center who would reg that modem for you its not going to do much
because when ntl install a modem or digi box the details are passed to the installs dept and the mac address is logged to your account also with digi the nagra and card number are logged to your account
So NTL can just put in a mac and see who the true renter of the CM is and where it should be
It would of been better to buy a router and network them all

Sorry to give you bad news :(
cheers for that explaination shadowtek & davidh
know where l stand now