Spice up Outlook Express

hummm very nice but after i installed it i got a pop u to say the one i had downloaded was out of date click to update this means that the program is monitoring my computer so i done a spy ware check and it has installed 22 items of spy ware on my p.c i have removed the program but 3 still remain and refuse to be removed but very nice to brighten up explorer
yep...done the same...removed program and all the spyware. Adaware found a lot. Have removed everythings...i hope.

But it looked very good. I liked the explorer skins.

Cheers Angel !
Did you manage to remove the hotbar folder angel as it refused to be removed i can do it manually but i don't now if its safe to do so it a bin folder and contains 2 dll files i have removed all the other files manually but was in 2 minds about this one ?????
Sorry people :( having the same trouble as u Damage wont delete keeps saying access denied ,downloaded ad ware but still won't delete. AARRHH !!! :mad:
here m8 a little program to clean the registry

Thankyou Davidh :D: