static on phone line using bb


Member +
Oct 3, 2001
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ive recently invested in Broad Band from BT, whilst connected ( which for the hub, i want constant connection!) i get intermittant static on the phone line, its about every 30 seconds or so and lasts for 5 or 6 seconds.

I am using splitters on the phone connections (of which there are 3 phones in the house). Also one of the phones gives a little bleeb regularly whilst the modem is online... not just when im connected.

Im wondering if anyone has had this problem before, and if so, how you got around it.

Help is very welcome!!


Mark. :(

not sure where to post this one...
I assume by splitters you mean the filters (normal telephone splitters are no good you must get a filter for each phone) ?

Have u tried disconnecting 2 phones (so u have 1 phone and your adsl line) ?

If ok like that then u can try re-connecting the phones to see which one may be causing the problem
yeah.... filters which i got along with them bt modem...

so you think that its most likely casued by one of the phones?

I have disconnected the phone that sits an bleeps away whilst im connected, and the static continues on the other 2 phones

Mark..may seem daft but are you using three filters? I thought the 'frog kit' only came with two? (well mine did..).
I did have a problem initally plugging a phone into the same filter as the 'frog' was used on, seems 'frog' causes phones problems. So I bought another filter and plugged phone into that (I have double outlet upstairs in "office"-)). this cured my problems. :eek:

so upstairs I have skt1 -- filter -- phone
skt2 -- filter -- frog

Hope this helps.
yeah lone.... i only got 2 filters.. but i bought another one to see if it made any difference filtering all the phones.... which it didnt
OK Mark, the only thing I can think of is to check the wiring is good an secure in all the sockets round the house, starting with the master socket, have you got one of the "doobrie" tools for pushing the cables in?

Something else, I've just thought of, do you have a problem of the 'frog' dropping the connection when you use a phone? Which could indicate a duff filter....

And, lastly, have you tried swapping filters around?
cheers lone, ive get a few things to be getting on with, i'll swap a few things around and let you know what happens
just a thought is ur modem connected to the master socket?

If all that fails, try putting a loop approx 6-8" in diameter in the wiring between your main docket and your ADSL socket, if you have a look at where your phone line comes into your house there is more than likely a loop in the wiring on the outside of your house, this is something that BT came up with around 10 years ago and they claim it does reduce interference on the line, I remember I once fitted a socket in my mum n dads house for an internet connection via a modem in the spare bedroom, the static was so bad that it kept dropping my connection, I put a loop in the line and it disappeared.... another way is to make sure your wiring goes round the top of a doorframe rather than just along the floor which has the same effect.

If that doesnt work I'll have a word with one of the broadband engineers at work and see if he can suggest anything else.
thanks all....

problem persisted to the point of total irritation, resulting in all phones being unplugged, and pugged back in one by one.

The(binatone) phone that bleeped away carried on bleeping.....

anyways.... heres the best bit......

went back to the master socket where the line comes into the house and followed it for a short distance to the next socket. Tucked behind the skirting board was a little box, witha flashing LED, and British Bl00DY Gas writen on it!!!!!!!.

Asked a few questions and most people seem to think if you paid your phone bill thro them (as previous owners must have), they installed these boxes to reduce call costs???

Well that now being removed, no more bleeps from pnones in the middle of the night, and no more static.

Thought id best fill you in, again cheers forum!
