Sunray SOLO 2 flashing/booting issues


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 3, 2012
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a few weeks ago my mates solo2 HDD went so i just took an image of his box and flashed this image on to a spare sunray i had and gave him mine. i didnt have my tools to change the his hdd at the time.

i went to flash his sunray with a newer image, to have it as a spare. i get UBIFS update when trying to flash it.
I have nothing connected to the box and i have tried flashing it with USB's that i have flashed boxes previously with.

If i try to boot to the image thats already on the box, it seems to get stuck. The screen displays VU SOLO and nothing else.

what i have attempted
-flash with only usb and power cable in receiver. i dont even have the HDD connected
-tried with multiple different usb sticks
-tried multiple safe images
-format all usb's prior to flashing
-left it 30 mins on the UBIFS update and VU SOLO screen
-confirmed the box is a sunray.

anyone else suggest anything else?

it dawned on me i had this issue a few years ago. I think it was due to MAC OS X so i reformatted it in a windows VM using dispart.

That solved my issue.
Where is the Thread about how to patch new drivers for Sunray solo2 gone???