teeny reply about parrot


Inactive User
Jul 11, 2009
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Hi thought id reply here as cable section was a bit off topic in there lol

i kinda had him dumped on me really the women b4 me got him off a breeder and said he was tame and 6 months old but her landlord wouldnt allow pets hence getting shut(think i was taken for a fool but hey)its become apparent he is not tame i have joined a few forums for advice on him he has loads of toys and ropes etc

any advice on taming him would be a help i so far have been leaving my hand in the cage he is now comfy with me putting my hand in etc but not comfy if i move towards him i obviously move slowly any help would be appreciated

he is on a mixture off pellet food and fresh food carrots his favourite

anyway any advice would be helpfull so he has the best home possible
Know any Chinese people? They consider parrots a delicacy.
maybe this can help. :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjOSLCR2hE]YouTube - The Parrot Sketch[/ame]
We tried for years to tame an orange winged amazon.. the little shit bit chunks.. squarked loudly when you entered the room... dont think its posible to completely tame an older parrot..

We had a African grey from very young.. we had to hand feed it etc.. she was perfectly ok.. talked the lot..

we looked after our brothers grey whilst he went on hols.. the dog got her and ripped feathers out.. she didnt speak for a while and got scared when we went near her.
so for delay didn't see thread....

i know u want advise on tamming but i have to tell u these importants facts first..lol

NEVER give a parrot avacardo, rhubarb or choclate....the first is defo no no, second no, third one, my mates parrot is ok with, but i don't give it to mine as it obvisously has been known to kill them....

next, never have air freshner, espically the plug in ones in same room or near bird, it'll kill them slowly through breathing difficuilties. No areosols to be spray near them or in room, as poor sargie (member here) bird died thanks to his sister n law...she was looking after it at sargie's home whilst he & family went away on hols, he knew about the air freshners but had one plugged in another room, which was ok, however cos the sister n law had been smoking in the house whilst house siting, to make sure it didn't smell she removed the plug in from other room and plugged it in room with bird....wel u know the rest. (sorry sargie hope u didn't mind but that was a good example to explain what i meant) x

Food, plenty of fresh fruit & veg....and basiclly a little bit of what ur having won't hurt...i.e spaggthi, my bird loves pasta and i give it to her raw cos she likes to bite it into bits cos it's hard, oh watch ur bare feet afterwards..lol
to be honest my bird sticks her beak into everything that i have, has a little picker around the plate as to what she fancy's, no joke..lol
i wouldn't get a minute bit of piece if she didn't..lol nothing to hot, if their crop gets burnt it can't repair it's self like our throat can...temp as for a baby..lol mine eats chinese, indian, the lot, although bloody messy..lol
a bit of cheese, dunked biscuilt, she turns her nose up if it ain't dunked..lol
chillies, oh mine loves a wee bit of steak...lol
oh and her favourite treat once a week is a fruit salad chew...lol

as for tameness, well mine was already tame cos i got her straight from the breeder at 3 months old and from that day she has always been out of cage all the time i'm home. She slams her bel on side of cage constantly until i get her out.

you'll have more chance of getting her onto ur hand out of her cage rather then starting of trying to do it whilst in it....they can be a bit terrtorial sometimes...be very brave to touch any of my birds toys that are in her cage whilst she in or on it......lol and i'm being serious, she even drawn blood from before now, cos i wasn't quick enough..lol

i would'nt even try to get her onto ur hand at the moment in cage...get her out....she needs to be able to trust the surrounding and people that are around her before she'll get on ur hand......whilst out of cage, try to get her near ur hand, if she lets u, then the way to prompt them is by doing this...

hold ur hand out as if u were gonna shake someones hand...tuck ur thumb down into the palm of ur hand, slighty and only slighty bend ur knuckles....as if u were holding ur hand around a mug (cup) but not so closed, then, slighty nudge ur top 2 fingers, (whilst still in same position) on the belly area, this usually prompts then to automatically raise one leg, which she'll then step onto ur finger and then she'll bring other leg onto......one thing u must remeber is this...birds always 'step up' birds are top heavy, so trying to step down they are more than likely to topple over. when bird is on hand and ur gonna put her on perch or work top etc, always remeber to have ur hand just a little bit lower than the surface ur putting her on, that way she can 'step up' onto it...this bird proberly was tame at one time, however sadly they get left in their cage and not taken out and thats when they become untame..lol

i'll add some links at the bottom of this post for u, please do look at them cos they have some really good tips that covers everything....also i got cheap but good interesting books on my breed from amazon and ebay...

u really need to do some reading on ur bird or if not at least on parrots, cos there are sooooo many do's and don't with them.

u also need to be aware of the type of toys they can have. this is really important. Try to sometimes think of them as a baby/child.....i.e.

u would'nt give a toddler marbles to play with u....remeber the strength of their beak. they can crack open walnuts with it, well mine and the larger parrots can, so all their toys u give them has to be indistructable...otherwise they could choke on the tiny bits they chew off. Mine have to be made from acrylic...ur parots beak is smaller and not as strong but still they can crack things open, so u always need to check that the toy u are buying for is suitable for that type of bird. espically if u habging them in cage as u won't be around all the time their in cage to rescue them should anything happen. toilet roll cardboard they love to chew and play with...u'll find that she'll just shred it and leave u with the mess to clear up..lol...or kitchen roll, mine stands on the coffee canister and shreds the lot of it into a huge mountain pile..lol but it keeps them active and out of mischeive. ur's proberly won't be as spolit as mine...lol mine has her own area on kitchen work top with her bowl of toys, that cos i'm mainly in the kitchen so she's out there with me....hide all cables, they love to chew everything. make sure the cage is of the correct size for the bird...to smaller spacing of the bars and they could strangle themselfs, too bigger spacing of bars and they could get out or even get stuck between.....
Tefal, non stick cookware is a defo no no if ur bird is in or lives near the kitchen area......they let of a toxin, it doesn't effect us and we can not smell it but it can kill a bird. i once forgot to close her food door on the side of cage that swings out, it was pushed to and i didn't notice it, went to bed, got her out before going to work then put her back in and off to work i go, only to come home to find her swinging on her swing and then to notice bird poo on white leather suite and then to notice, the lovely time she had had, by picking the leather off my corner suite, with the nice little white pile of leather shreddings on sofa. it was'nt as bad as it could of been, she could of ripped it to shreds..lol
Birds bones are hollow so be careful they don't get crushed under anything, one almighty squeeze in ur hand and u would crush them....they need to be hollow to be able to fly cos of wieght.....also if she prches on things out of cage. i.e....back of chair,curtain rail etc, have paper on floor under them....birds tend to poo about every 15-20 minutes or even sooner....more so if their frightened, but normally about 15-20 mins, pigeons tend to do it more so when in flight, cos it helps to keep them light when flying. once u've got her trust and she's near u, get ur fore finger and move it left to right or circular monition, it's a bit hard to explain that...lol but do it low down by feet and say ' head down' they normally put the beak to the surface with head down waiting for a nice head scratch / preening. and small circular gentle motion around the side of their face.

well, i'm all out of finger typing...lol
i hope this has helped u, but do read these links as u'll be amazed at the things u need to know....


BirdsnWays Guide to Pet Birds, Parrots & Exotic Birds Care & Breeding. Breeders, classifieds, products & information. Macaws, cockatoos, cockatiels, amazons

Parrots Die From...

Parrots, parrot conservation, breeding, Parrot Society UK
thanks for the reply Teeny ill read this a few times and see how i go
i got one given to me as me mam didnt want it,any good advice to stop the little fecker piercing my finger when i go to give it treats and stuff
i did reply to ur answer bro and it took me about half an hour to do it, then suddenly before i had finished a box came up saying that mozilla has crashed and had to be restarted, i then pressed return to last session, got all other pages back including the one i was doing post on, but the page was fecking blank.....fecking thing, so gonna do it again now...lol
firstly a quick follow up on my ealier post about the 'stepping up' on ur hand as i forgot to mention this in previous post..lol

Birds sometimes use there beak as a third foot....often going to rest their beak on ur hand or surface to balance them selfs whilst they put one foot down and still holding on to what ever with other foot until they can then put that foot down. If the bird goes to put it's beak to ur hand NEVER pull ur hand away. i know what ur thinking...lol yeah right, but honestly u shouldn't do this as they will never learn to trust u. ur bird only has a wee beak so i'm sure ur able to suffer a wee nip from it. i'm not saying this the case everytime, but u'll get to learn when it's going to do it by the way it actually does....they don't actually use the tip bit of it, it's more of the curvy bit it uses. the reason i say this is becasue, the bird will think it's got a moving perch and will never learn to trust u...thinking that everytime he goes to get on u, u'll pull away and it's going to fall.
also if u go to put ur hand in front of it's belly as i explained earlier how to do it and it's already perched on something and goes to put it's head, one way to distract him from doing but getting it to step up at the same time is to, put ur by belly and with the other hand kick ur fingers above his head, although i don't mean directly above, the click of fingers will distract snd should step up whilst ur prompting it to..
the reason i explained about the way to have ur hand is because birds like to perch onto everything as they feel more safe as they are able to grip ur finger for safety, were as if ur hand was laying flat and it was on it, it would then start to rock and be unstable not being able to grip...when mine is on my hand i then usually wrap my thumb across the top of feet to hold her more steadily.

anyway, getting back to bro's question, it's a bit lenghty but have to explain it like this for u to understand as to why......

a bird usually bonds to one person, so firstly give it to that person to give it to the bird, personally i would say give it to bird outside of cage, as from my experince they are too terrortorial in their cage and ur invading into their space and they could see it as a threat.

all birds are different.....if u put anything into my birds cage, she will fluff her feathers and go in and attack whilst making a groaling sound and totally fearless....lol and yet if u give her something new whilst she's on the work top, she'll bolt round the other side of work top, totally shaking and frightened....lol where as my mates african grey is totally opposite, if u put something new in her cage, she'll sit on top of food bowl for about 3 days just sitting there looking up at to see if it moves...lol and outside cage, she'll casually walk straight up to it and pick it up and start beaking away at it..lol
if u learn that ur bird it's weary of anything new, then leave it on the side in her view for her to see it for a few days, so when she does get it closer to her she'll reckonise it and won't feel threatened. another thing is as i said about bonding....don't go shoving it into it's facing...lol as it will see it as ur threating it. when i got my bird at 3 months old 96 yrs ago) she bonded straight away to my fella, no interest in me wot so ever, although she's mummy's girl now..lol so when i got something to give to her i would always give it to daddy first, she would sit on his shoulder all the time and he would sit there just playing with it and if it's a treat he would sit and pretend to be eating it..curiosity always gets the better of them also if they see u with it they know it's safe. always have the bird out of cage as much as possible where it can be supervised obvisouly as they like to interact with the family and get up to mischieve. if it doesn't interact with everyone, it'll always feel on edge and unsecure.

something else ever bird owner should now......when birds become i'll. they'll never show illness until it's almost on deafs door, so always note if behaviour is unusal for a lenghty of time. the reason for this is that, in their natural habitat, any bird showing signs of weekness will attract preditors... the others birds will throw the week bird out of their flock to avoid preditors...so when ur bird does eventually start to show signs of illness it'll just be too late.

i've got some more links that are good just have to find them, then i'll post them...
i've added a couple of pics of bird , shredding the kitchen roll....also when she wants a drink whilst she' out in kitchen she'll go over to the tap and put her head under it so i then go and turn it on slighty, she's also potty trained, well 90% of the time...when in kitchen she'll go to sink perch on edge and hang her bum over into sink....lol oh and they love wooden spoons...lol

hope this helps u x


Mixtures of sunflower, safflower, canary millet, hemp, wheat, oats, corn on the cob, peanuts, boiled dry maize.
Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, pears, cherries.
Celery, carrots, beetroot, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, beet, fresh peas and beans. All fruit and vegetables must be thoroughly washed before feeding.
Calcium (Cuttlefish) and vitamins (multivitamin drops added to the water.) A combined calcium/vitamin preparation is available from your pet shop. Lories, lorikeets and hanging parrots also require an artificial nectar mixture.
Birds can get natural vitamins from fresh greens and fruits. Celery, broccoli, spinach, romaine lettuce, endive, orange slices, fresh corn, carrot tops, clean dandelions, clover and chickweed are favourites among cockatiels, budgies, lovebirds, canaries and finches. Larger birds also enjoy these items along with other fresh foods such as apples, berries, pomegranates, and grapes. These foods are all excellent vehicles for PRIME vitamin and mineral supplement. Just sprinkle lightly before offering. Wash thoroughly before feeding.

Fresh greens and fruits don't cause diarrhea but can create polyuria (excess water excretion) due to high water content. This is not harmful to the bird. Remove all uneaten fresh food.

Apples Carrots
Pears Celery
Orange Winter Radish
Bananas Corn on the Cob
Plums Endive
Apricots Iceberg Lettuce
Grapes Cress
Water Melon Spinach
Honeydew/Gallia Melon Green Beans
Pomegranates Peas in the Pod
Cantaloupe Melon Beetroot
Mangoes Parsnip
(Feed as sprouted) Turnip

Clipped Oats NUTS
Pumpkin Seeds Walnuts
Mung Beans Brazils
Green Lentils Hazelnuts
Sunflower Pine nuts
Chick Peas (An adult Macaw will enjoy being given these nuts in their shells)
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cheers teeny some intersting reading there that took a lot of effort,appreciated and rep added