Telewest Blueyonder


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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Just signed up to broadband, Telewests Blueyonder getting it installed on Monday 11th Nov ,cant wait for super fast downloads:).Sad thing is though gotta cancell freeserve on the 7th so ill have no DW for 2/3 days:(
CONGRATULATIONS rat, glad u r getting broadband......zooropa:Clap: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap:
Thanks M8 :Frog:,getting more & more excited by the day lol :Laugh:
Had Blueyonder a coupla weeks now & found it brill. Not looked back once at my old ISp, BT, lol
same here m8,had broadband(telewest) for about a month now and its brilliant......zooropa:Clap:
u guys make me sick!

i stay in the centre of glasgow, ntl don't believe they dug up my street 6 years broadband tell me there is not enough intrest in my area........and i stay 1/2 mile from there digital exchange (but it's not the one they connected my phone line to) ........arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!




whats wrong with a download speed of 2.2k ??????????
Hi peeps ,well I've had it installed when they decided to turn up ,I had a 10am/2pm appointment and they tured up at 5.15pm to do the telphone then the other guy turned up at around 6.30 to do the modem part :mad:but WOW it is fast. :) scince he installed the broadband it now asks for a Network Neighborhood password on startup and theres a icon for Network Neighborhood on my desktop witch I cannot delete :confused: the telewet man didnt seem to know why it kept coming up, any ideas anyone :confused: