tips for making explorer faster



now i have broadband i have been to several sites to test speed and of course its different ever time i know that but i just expected more .has anyone got any tips to speed up the downloading or viewing sites with explorer ,some sites have tips about changing the registy keys not to sure on that . perhaps a little program that someone else has used THAT WORKS and makes a difference

thank you
i have just gone here

and these were my results i must admit that this was one of the slowest result i have had some times its 20-30 insted of the 8.42kbps i got this time

File Size: 150.005 KB
Time Elapsed: 17.825 seconds


67.36 Kbps
(8.42 KBps)

thank you
That is slow. I've just done a test and I get 335.68Kbps/41.96KBps with Pipex.
I don't think you should be looking for extra programs or tinkering with the registry. There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with your setup. I'm afraid I can't help you there though,you need one of our more techy members.

:Dunce: :Dunce:
thanks narabdela

i tried again this morning and now getting 50 i wish it was like this all the time, because i can get this sort of speed i think your right its nothing to do with explorer it must be the amount of people on line or something perhaps i shoud only go on line at 6.30am everyday LOL
i think it is my isp could you please just test yours a coulple of times at busy times to see if it slows down at busy times and then just mail me to let me know

thank you
try cybertweak m8, good little program. i am on cable and i get these results, 627.36 Kbps
(78.42 KBps)
I've just done a test my was

File Size: 150.005 KB
Time Elapsed: 1.973 seconds


608.24 Kbps
(76.03 KBps)
smartalec and chris1975

what isp are you with

because im fed up with fairadsl i have phoned pipex they have sent the form to switch accounts
just wondered who you two were with as both of yours seems so fast

ntl is not available in my area so their site says

thanks anyway
Now getting 475.6 Kbps/59.45 KBps. By the way, I can thoroughly recommend Pipex if you're thinking of changing.

:) :)
spoke to a man from pipex very friendly and helpful told me all i had to do was speak to fairadsl and get there CBUK .(dont know what that is ) so i thought right lets do it wrote to fairadsl told them i wasnt happy with there service and the problems they keep have and would like to migrate to pipex they replied

The service is working very well at the moment, if you have a specific problem
please let us know so that we can get it resolved.

As you have your own modem it could be that the problems are related to your
modem. We have a minimum contract of 6 months if you supply your own modem or 3
months if you use our modem and migration is only possible after these minimum
contracts have been applied too.

Kind regards

so i take it i cant migrate yet LOL
rufus have you tried cybertweak, it can make a big speed difference if you are fully optimised.

tried it
because the problem was my isp it didnt make any difference now my isp has fixed its problems its faster ,still nowhere near as fast as yours but its better

thanks for the help
just trying to get on the hub, connecting to monkeys one, but it disconnects, coz its says i have less than 20megs to share. how do i sort that out?