TM800 and White Card


Inactive User
Jun 4, 2010
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Am I missing something, I know I've read somewhere about this, but now I can't find it anywhere???

I've generated the boxkey from the SLY+HD box serial, placed it in the newcs.xml, but not getting any N*S channels to clear.

I know the white card is fine, as it clears all in sly box.

I'm not wanting to cs, I'm just experimenting.

Thanks Pak..
Not sure internal reader is working at present, I know the white card is clearing with smargo reader.
Yer the internal card reader is currently disabled.

1 thing that Technomate really ought to prioritise asap.
Yer it is DISABLED :( but they should of fixed that on the update they released. And not to make as wait even longer, it even said on the box conax enable but nothing works.

they have to fix it ASAP.

Peace :)
it even said on the box conax enable but nothing works.

It says a LOT on the box, pity most of it is currently just a fairy tail. :)

I'd have thought that they would have atleast sorted out the fecking card reader, I mean come on FFS, that's basic generic hardware.

Personally, I don't use the card reader as I cardshare from others (Thanks Tony and Dave), but anyone can see it is an absolutely essential part of the hardware that should have been working flawlessly upon release.
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It says a LOT on the box, pity most of it is currently just a fairy tail. :)

I'd have thought that they would have atleast sorted out the fecking card reader, I mean come on FFS, that's basic generic hardware.

Personally, I don't use the card reader as I cardshare from others (Thanks Tony and Dave), but anyone can see it is an absolutely essential part of the hardware that should have been working flawlessly upon release.

Welcome to TM world part 2....the sequel to CCAM dont work with white card in internal reader on TM500/600...this time the card reader diesnt work full just embarrasing...

I agree it's a fundamental basic part of the effect anyone who isnt using C/S cant even use their legit vieweing card in this device...without spending extra on an external USB card reader...
its one thing thats pathetic from tm.

i trust them they seem to be nice folks but

please tm you are now hearing this from hundreds of people-

FIX the GD card reader!

ps. can anyone pm me what the eurosky and tm800 thing is about it only seems fair that at least we should now. plz. people i luv my tm800.