Two Factor Authentication - To be required on DW


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
Hi All,

I hope you enjoy your holidays.

After sorting out the server and adding new software (firewalls, etc.), I have found hundreds of bots trying to access everything; it's mental.

We will be looking at the end of January to require TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION to be used by all members.

This feature will be turned on in the coming days but won't be enforced. This will allow all members to set it up.

We are not reinventing the wheel, it's widely used and google themselves now requires it for many apps.

A Thank you for all the work you have been putting in, it may not get said often but I think most on here appreciate what you do.
Just a little detail from my account, my avatar doesn't spin any more, when I tried to edit it, it showed it spinning but it doesn't on the forums.
I've noticed that some time ago but never asked about it...
no worries mate, I enjoy the server side stuff :) always learning.

Avatar not spinning - That will be something to do with cloudfare caching the images, I will get that sorted in the next few days and get it spinning again.


Is there a way to do the authentication just prior to the fixed 30 Days?
This will allow members to do this at their convenience and not lose access when it is not possible to conduct the authentication at that time.

You can just disable it now in your usercp. but if you want to use it you can leave it on too.
It's the way the software works unfortunately. your suggestion makes allot of sense but that would be a request to xenforo.
