Why can't I change my channel list on TM800?


Banned for good!
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
I install a channel list using the Blue Button - everything is fine.

I decide to try another channel list so I press the Blue Button again and select a different list, it downloads and tries to install itself but I gt a lot of errors advising me that stuff already exists.

Why doesn't the box just over write the existing channel list?

I know I can change it with DreamboxEdit, but that's not the point.
Only way around is uninstaling plugins first, then install new channel list.

But yea, it is a fook on...
Yeah normaly when you ftp channels via say dreamset it over writes the old. Have you tried dreamset withcy?
A pain in the backside the whole channel list issue, as mentioned mate you will have to delete the current list then upload another.

I've had not joy via FTP or using iDreamX on my Mac either.
hi m8s

i had (almost)no problem at all to send my own channel list to TM ,i used dreamset 2.3 .It was a tricky in beginning to find out what Enigma2 version was on the box!It turned out to be 2.4!

I can not use dreamedit yet due to unknown errors:proud:
