win xp security threat




self explanitory but deemed to be urgent for win xp users ,

link to patch on page gives you the facility to enable or disable the securities within plug and play,

easy download linked just underneath" How is UnPnP used?"

be safe be carefull,

regards scoot
shoved back on top

put this back on top as i think its vitally important,

give a chance for all the members who didn,t see it late at night,

regards scoot
Hi Scootie m8........a small problem with this download...

when disabled I cant get any web pages up...:confused:


Go on call me a :Dunce:and get me in the corner ,beat me with a stick tee hee
i,m on win me gazza,

so if its affecting your web pages ,

i,d disable it m8,

unless one of the mods knows the reason why,

becase its only for the security threat to xp from the plug and play side of it,

does anyone have any ideas?

Don't know if interested, but remember a while ago about this matter and although it is called Plug & Play it is not the P&P that is related to hardware (scanner, printer etc).

It is something to do with internet P&P (which is not the same as hardware P&P, can't remember all the details now) but although it is a risk it is most unlikely able to be implemented by hackers.