A question ☺


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VIP Member
Jan 28, 2006
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not a bloody clue?
So I've bought myself a Nikon DSLR camera, getting fed up with the way radio stuff is going so I need a new hobby!

Knowing nothing at a about these cameras, I have signed onto one of these online courses..

I'm at the first assessment and I keep getting marked down on one question.

"What type of photography was Ansel Adams Famous for?"

Now the course does encourage you to Google a few things. I seem to have read quite a bit on Ansel Adams but I'm lost when it comes to his 'type' of photography??

Anyone any ideas please?

I further dive into Google and I've found that 'Black & White' and 'Landscapes' are two different types?
Landscapes comes under 'Nature'

Adams was also a commercial photographer so it could be any of the three??

I'll try just Black & White???

One of those tricky ones. The course creators must have been big fans of Adams?
No mate I haven't. I read that is what Adams created? It that a 'type' though??
I'm not at home at the min. I'll try later.
Ansel Easton Adams (February 20, 1902 - April 22, 1984) was an American photographer, known for his black and white photographs of the California's Yosemite Valley.
I've just taken the assessment again and was marked down with 'black & white'

I passed the assessment with 94%... its still pi$$ing me off though lol

I'm thinking that the answer is 'nature'??

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well done a pass of 94% is good.... when you have more time try again with nature...
looking forward to the pictures you never know you could win the (photo comp)
well done a pass of 94% is good.... when you have more time try again with nature...
looking forward to the pictures you never know you could win the (photo comp)
Well I tried again and Nature is also wrong so I'm clueless??
I've completed the course now and got their certificate. At the end I was asked for feedback, so I mentioned the Ansel Adams question. I'll wait and see if I get a reply.

I'm still not confident enough with the photos to upload them here lol. Not yet anyway.

I've signed up for another Online 21-Module Photography Course. I bought it via the amazon local offers app thing.

I may have a little more confidence after this one

i am pleased for you that you have signed up for another course and you might find the answer to the ansel question.But there is a lot of decent photographers on here and if you pick what you think is best picture you have taken and post may be they can help you fair better than course work in imho
as for confidence recognise your insecurities, accepting them is the first step to conquering them:thumbsup:
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Also remember that everyone has different tastes and look at things from different perspectives, so what is a so-so photo to one person is a masterpiece to someone else and vice versa.
So post a photo, I'm sure that someone will appreciate it and even if there is something not quite right about it someone may give advice about how to rectify it, which makes it a win-win situation.
Also remember that everyone has different tastes and look at things from different perspectives, so what is a so-so photo to one person is a masterpiece to someone else and vice versa.
So post a photo, I'm sure that someone will appreciate it and even if there is something not quite right about it someone may give advice about how to rectify it, which makes it a win-win situation.
I'll have a look through what I've taken and possibly take a few more.
D1GG3R m8, you must never be concerned that your early shots are 'not good enough' to be put on here or anywhere else for that matter, I've been at it for years and often struggle to get that one 'great' image, but what I think is 'great' some one else may not, I photograph anything I see, sometimes you don't actually 'see' the good ones until you get them on the PC for processing. No-one here will be 'critical' but may be able to offer advise on technical stuff rather than the subject.
I took this at the weekend and I love it, it is not 'technically' brilliant but it has something I didn't see when I took it, namely the reflection.

@D1GG3R as Brewby55 has shown with his photo of the Vulcan, he is really chuffed with the effect of the sun's reflection on the plane, whereas others may think that detracts from the subject.
Personal taste, and from my perspective it looks great !
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