ATV 1st gen and Crystalbuntu


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VIP Member
Feb 16, 2006
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I have to say I had been really struggling with my silver ATV 1st gen and was on the verge of selling it and getting a 2nd gen one. As it had only cost me £20 I thought I would have one last go and try this Linux based OS on it. I should say I know nothing about Linux so this really was the actions of a desperate person!

I used this link to install via a USB stick, there is a USB install or a full install and haven't yet installed it fully but I have to say it works an absolute dream.

Picture quality is fab, no stutter and add ones work just fine. If you are struggling with your ATV 1st gen, this is definately worth a look. I have now ordered my crystal Broadcom card so that I can get 1080 HD although I don't know why I have bothered since the picture quality has been great without it.

I have the same setup and I absolutely recommend it! But if you install the CrystalHD card, you will lose the internal wifi. Just get a hub and an usb wifi.