Black Lives Matter

@chookey Why can't the BLM fanatics just be happy it's been resurrected and played at prestigious events?

because they will never be happy till everybody has a deluded mindset like them
and when it does go wrong they will blame someone else or just revert to calling you a white racist bigot
as in the case of lgbt lessons to kids and the Muslim community kicked off who did they blame for the mess the racist Tories
There you go..........Common sense with facts. Will anyone listen?
NO !!

Will no doubt fall on deaf ears and the BLM will want ordinary folks such as ourselves to pay and apologise for the sins of our predecessors.

There was "obscene" graffiti displayed in a suburb of my local Council, a place called Bedworth where someone had sprayed the outlawed White Lives Matter slogan in a park.
Yesterday there were 2 BLM protesters there. They were both white, female and of student age. Still enough to stop parents from taking their children there. Do they even realise let alone care of the disruption they inflict on innocent people?

A friend of mine rang me on Saturday to say he couldn't make it for a visit. He has his own Electrical business and employs 4 people. He had the misfortune to park his van in Hartford Street, Coventry where a BLM protest was due to take place. He was stuck for 3 hours as the Police had cordoned off the road.
Mate said he could have crossed the road a hundred times before they reached the spot where his van was but the Police would have none of it.
How long do they have to wear them?
What happens when/if they stop wearing them.

In this weather I like wearing vests and have a few black ones. If I print a sticker saying Black Vests Matter will I be arrested?

What a fooking joke it's become. Pardon us who still claim to have brain cells.
(Tongue in cheek)

I think it's disgraceful that Jamaica adopted ackee and saltfish as its national dish, despite its origins as cheap food for slaves. Don't they know that Black Lives Matter?
Never ending load of crap. First it was changed from a black devil being vanquished to a white devil being vanquished.
Still not fooking good enough!!!!
It reminds them of the way George Floyd lost his life.
Why should that bother them??? According to their inequality they would never be offered one anyway!! Who yhinks all this shit up????

Cabinet Office says recipients of Queen's 'racist' knighthood honour can exchange award for updated design after backlash over insignia showing St Michael crushing the devil that 'looks like George Floyd's murder'
Bianca Williams has been invited to review the bodycam footage of her stop and search which she say's was racially motivated. Do you think she will take up the offer?
I seriously doubt she will. I hope but also doubt that it will be released to the public. Two bodies have reviewed it and found nothing untoward. Cressida Dick has herself put it forward for review from the Independent Police Commission.

Why did she do that?
She did it because there was absolutely nothing wrong with the way in which either she or her partner were treated. She has been given an apology for the stop and search which she doesn't deserve. Why was it given? Because of this silly "bend over backwards" attitude that is being thrust upon everyone.

A cry of racism and the World thinks we have to believe them. There were at least half a dozen Police Officers there and she say's she wouldn't come out of the car because she feared for her life. Utter Bullshit. She has also spoke of the heartbreak she suffered in being separated from her child. Must have been all of 5 minutes whilst her and the car were searched. Probably wouldn't have happened if they'd stopped the car when asked to do so. Probably wouldn't have happened if they'd got out of the car when asked to do so.

She has called for Cressida Dick to resign over it. When the IOPC find that there was nothing wrong with the way they were treated and that there is no evidence of it being racially motivated, will she resign from representing GB in athletics???

I don't care if she does or doesn't, so long as she shuts the fook up.
Was the police action justified by the reason they gave for stopping the car, which was that it was being "driven suspiciously." What exactly does that mean? When I'm driving, I'm suspicious of every other road user in case they do something stupid and cause an accident. That was just a catchall excuse, made up after the event and impossible to disprove, to hide the real motive, which is a product of police officers' limited intelligence.

To illustrate, here is a syllogism:

All criminals drive expensive cars
X is a criminal
Therefore X drives an expensive car

The third statement is a logical deduction from the first two. A false syllogism is this:

All criminals drive expensive cars
X drives an expensive car
Therefore X is a criminal

The third statement is not a logical deduction from the first two, except in the small minds of police officers when they see a black person driving an expensive car. When the stop and search policy is racially applied in that way, it is no wonder that black people are upset. I heard only yesterday that 80% of recent searches of black people resulted in no further action. That does not show police intelligence.

As for Cressida Dick, what an appropriate name for the head of the Met.