Hardware Cheap laptop


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VIP Member
Mar 7, 2005
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A friend has been looking at replacing his old p4 desktop and looking at getting a new cheap laptop, the one He's been looking at is THIS.
Has anybody any experience of these cheap amd laptops? are they any good for the basics. He wants to be able to browse the web, use office and run most video formats x265 etc so he can watch films on the tv, or are there any recommendations for a similar price maybe up to £50 more.
A friend has been looking at replacing his old p4 desktop and looking at getting a new cheap laptop, the one He's been looking at is THIS.
Has anybody any experience of these cheap amd laptops? are they any good for the basics. He wants to be able to browse the web, use office and run most video formats x265 etc so he can watch films on the tv, or are there any recommendations for a similar price maybe up to £50 more.
Thats a decent entry level laptop, but bare in mind that the one you linked to does not have windows installed
I'm not bothered about the windows I'll sort that out for him, Just reading some of the reviews on amazon some people make it sound terribly slow.