Cider Drinkers


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VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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I know there are a few of us here that appreciate a nice drop of cider :)

well the wife went shopping today and I aske her to get me some Thatchers Gold :) she rings me and says they have 4 cans of this other cider for £2.15, so I say still get me the Thatchers Gold but get me 4 cans of this cheap stuff just to try, you never know it might be OK ;)

anyway I tried a can tonight :grayno: OMG!!!! Ive never tasted nothing like it lol its worse than the cheapest wine Ive tasted :puke:

Seriously Keep Away From Crofters Apple Cider it really is rank lol You Have Been Warned

only cider i try is home made scrumpy

the rest a poor second
Tbh Im not overly fussy
I do like Bulmers also like Woodpecker, Carling british Cider is nice, I also get Orchard Premium Cider from Aldi from time to time, for a cheap cider it ain't bad, 99p for 568ml

cant abide Strongbow! but this Crofters, well if I poured it down the sink I think it would spit it back at me lol
i also made the mistake of getting a 4 pack of that a wee while ago thinking it was a new brand on promo
and it is fooking awful sharp is not the word and agree with you on strongbow thiugh the pear cider aint that bad .
yep thatchers is ok also some deals on magners and cidre about at the moment about £12 for 18 cans
but this is one to avoid or give to someone who pisses you off at work for a xmas pressie
@Mick - can we have an 'auto-infract-rat' button? My memories of scrumpy/cider/anything-similar are limited but normally end painfully - as in falling over, slapping nose on summat hard etc.

Admins should NOT be suggesting members do this stuff ;)

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If You like dry cider I think lidl £1.99 2ltr 5.3% bottles are good, but not the7.5% bottles.
All You need then is some brown wrapping paper, and You can join me on the park bench.
bit poncy but been drinking kopparberg at the moment. Not the cheapest, normally pick up 4 bottles for a fiver.
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Cheap cider...Frosty Jacks 7.5% white cider for me. You can always add blackcurrant juice or similar to improve the taste.
the only way to drink cider is to get 2 large buckets pour 12 cans of strongbox, I flagon of scrumpy 3 bottles of buckfast 3 can of red bull (important ) ingredient and if you have not drunk it right try getting up aff your arse to spew in the other
bucket. Dont leave it to late or you will never know whos pished in other bucket
and you could get a mooth full of diced carrots !!! enjoy
I live in Australia so I my my preference is James Squire cider. I prefer the pear and of course it always tastes better when its on tap.
I have never in my life enjoyed cider at all. I don't see what all the fuss and trend is with bulmers, magners etc. That was until I tried Kingstone Press at the end of an event, that completely changed my opinion of it although that is last gasp resort
More than apple i like pear cider its taste much better for me
Of course always cold :))