Fluorescent Light


Elite Member
Jan 1, 2006
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I have a 5 foot fluorescent light in the kitchen, it turns on fine no flickering, will stay on for about 5 mins then go off, stay off for about 5 mins then come back on. it repeats this behaviour constantly.

Any idea what it is?
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Depending on the type, it will either have a starter or a ballast. It could be one of these needs replacing or it could mean that the bulb is quite worn and on its way out.



It does not have a starter, so I will get a new tube
It does not have a starter, so I will get a new tube
If it hasn’t got a starter, then it should have an electronic ballast that could also be causing the issue, but changing the tube is probably your best bet at the moment and the simplest thing to try first.
Didn't think anyone still used them lights in kitchens anymore, use to be 70s/80s thing, as mentioned trying the above, otherwise change for low voltage type of fitting...
Not working at all now, we live in a housing association property, so probably need to call them out to sort it, capable of doing it myself but have not been certified for 30 years now.
Not working at all now, we live in a housing association property, so probably need to call them out to sort it, capable of doing it myself but have not been certified for 30 years now.
If that's the case, should of phoned them first, anything happens to you repairing it your not cover, if you get a electric shock..
I have only changed the tube, not done anything to the fitting