TV Talk Room


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
post all ur general gossip and tv chat including spoilers :)
please say (Spoiler) in thread title
Enjoy ur new room ;)
wots a spoiler m8

its when someone gives away whats going to happen in future episodes,so important to idicate (spoiler) in case u dont want to know ;) and spoil it for urself
can we have a corrie forum? its my fav prog oh please please nice people

:Clap: :Clap:
can we have a corrie forum? its my fav prog oh please please nice people

:Clap: :Clap:

I like coronation street, but i dont think Sean should get involved with sonny!

I also think Michelle and Steve would be good together.

Get rid of tracy shes EVIL!!
make a thread in this room about corrie and people will post if they like it too ;)