
Love it , bit like a proper stuffing type of food, similar texture., haggis neeps and patties👍
Nice and savory flavour the haggis but gives me quite a bad hart burn afterwards, not like my Y - fronts pmsl
I occasionally have the McSweeney traditional haggis but Morrisons had sold out when I looked for it on Wednesday, so I went to two Iceland stores yesterday, as they have frozen battered haggis bites on their website but neither of them stock it so I didn't have any haggis this Burn's night :(

I love my wild haggis that a friend in Scotland sent me some years back

It’s ok for all you feckers but all us Jocks have to go out and shoot the wee cnuts 😂
Don't you dare try to shoot my wild haggis, that I have now tamed after ten years of having to wean him off the porridge oats that he used to forage for daily but is now accustomed to eating the same dry dog food that my Benji used to eat.
Whisky cream sauce. @D 8 RCS
Would never have thought of using that with haggis, but yes I'd give it a thumbs up. I used to have whisky cream sauce with boneless lamb cutlets wrapped around black pudding (but it had to be Scottish Black Pudding which is just so different to English or Irish Black Pudding). I'm salivating just thinking about them !
Tried haggis once on a visit to Edinburgh. Ate it but not to my liking, a little rich for me.
Also tried Irish white pudding in Dublin and that's great!!