Arsenal's FA Cup kit


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VIP Member
Aug 2, 2007
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Now I'm all for supporting anti knife crime as there's too many youngsters carrying and gang culture is on the rise but personally I don't think changing kits and on pitch debates before a big FA Cup game live on ITV is the place for it. You couldn't see the numbers and no names on shirts was a joke.

I feel were slowly stepping over that line for me. We go to football on a Saturday and Sunday to try and forget any of our daily working lifes and struggles and for that few hours we can momentarily put everything behind us.

On one hand I understand what they were trying to achieve but why is it football time after time.

I turned on the TV and I'm expecting Keane and Ian Wright to be at each other but instead I'm met with Idriz Elba and a full on pitch debate on knife crime and gang culture when there's a football game to be played.

For me it wasn't the right time nor place, yes I know its a large live captive audience granted but there's a time and a place for it and personally I think there's more and more of this creeping into our game whether it be rainbow emblems, taking the knee, changing kits, each year there's another one that's trying to use football to get a message across ffs leave it alone.

We live in a society were social media has a huge say especially on the younger generation. There lies a platform that can reach out to far far more young ones than a forest V Arsenal game on a Sunday I just didn't get the point or message tbh.

Let's just play football and if there's a message to be put out try using another media outlet rather than using something we use ourselves to get away from it all and the includes the nobs who thrust Jesus leaflets into your hands outside the grounds.
The last one I got stuffed into my hand said,
"Jesus Will Save Us"
A loads of boll#cks,

we lost 2-0
Your post proves what they did was right. It got people talking about it and raised awarenes. Bit of a success in my view
Thanks for that but I doubt that my DW post was a success and it will lead to 100's of gangs downing tools something tells me errrrr nope

If you wanna to get a message across to anyone use the platform they all use and give football and sport a break.

It's a society problem not a football problem. I've a feeling Wimbledon tennis wouldn't allow it nor would the British Open or Lords. World Championship snookers soon