Double lung transplant

@tony, glad to here you are on the mend wish you a speedy recovery
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@tony49, all the best mate, glad your on the mend and hope everything goes OK in the future.
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Wow, stuff like that makes others realise how lucky we are! Good to have you back, hope the recovery is smooth
Holy Crap!

I am totally and utterly blown away mate, complete and utter respect to you. The level of admiration I have for going through something like that is indescribable.

Good Luck, I hope everything works out and you have the support and love of your family for many years to come :)
thank you all so very much for your kind words and supert i had i minor setback friday when they did the byopsy i ended up with 1/3 of a calaspt lung so had anothe 2 days back on the word with a drain on to get rid of the air that came out of the lung

so iive just got back to the flat now some more test thursday and if all goes well it will be back home for friday
Excellent news tony

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all the hard work ive put into walkin the caradoors in hospital with a cruch for balance has payed off im back home its hard to beleave it was only 5 weeks ago that I went up the the starf in ICU and HIGHTDEPENDENCEY were great its a big thank you to them for were I am now theve the me home still a long way to go yet with a weeky trip to Newcastle for the next 7 weeks then 6 month then 12 months
me and grandchildren.jpg
me and my 3 girls.jpg
Welcome home tony :)

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I no im still not looking to fit but its going to take some time in getting there ive gone from 64kg to 70kg so another 5 of 6 would put me back to my peack
Well done Tony you cannot beat the love of your family to help you recover. God Bless you mate and I wish you a healthy recovery. :)
what a moving story tony
thanks for sharing
all the best for a speedy and full recovery
tony what an amazing journey you have had. I hope the rest of it goes well for you mate. I bow my head at your bravery.
Only just seen this thread tony mate....
I just want to echo all of the other things that the good people of DW have already said...
You're an inspirational human being my good man.
Take care tony

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Hi again tony

its been a couple of months since your last update so we all hope everything is still going well for you.
I'm sure all at DW are rooting for you and would like to know how things are progressing ?
Good Luck for the future and take care

hi boys and girls its been a year now since I had my double lung transplant and it great to still be here with you all so just going to give you a update first from being a skinny git my daughter now calls me fatty was 68 kg before the operation now im 85 kg still me tits stick out more then me stomach so thing ent to bad there been some up and downs along the way but far more ups then downs im hoping bye this autumn I can speck to the disability adviser to see if the is some sort of work I can do to come off the benefits im on if not will do some voluntary work some were any way that's all for now thanks tony49