Kids playing in the street


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Aug 2, 2007
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Long tale ahead,

Before I start this thread I would like to point I'm no Victor Meldrew far from it and I know all kids need to play out more but as of late and not just because it's Easter holidays all the kids from right around the street and further started to congregate outside my house playing football screaming shouting all the usual stuff. One of the kids is a neighbors daughter is not allowed off the front of her house so every kids in the neighborhood call to play there well when I say there I mean outside mine.

You kind of put up with it but when it's yards from your living room window and the football is clattering against the car then you have to draw a line.
These are not teenagers by the way just kids aged roughly 8-13 scooters bikes football so in fairness you got to be lenient but after a about 8-12 months of it I had to ask them go up the street were they all live and give us a break.

The kids were OK about it but next day their all back as per usual. If they had no ball or kept it down I wouldn't give a toss tbh but when the girls start screaming top note it's ear piercing. One of my neighbors daughters is amongst them so I mentioned it to him that the TV goes up at a night and he smiled and said, "Were OK, we sit at the back in the conservatory". He said it in a smug kind of way as if to put 2 fingers up to me.
Now I'm not for kicking a fuss with kids and neighbors of kids but I'm feeling like a mediator treading on rice paper trying to ask them not to play with the football and calm the screaming down at night.
Because of the age of the kids the one parent of a girl, close neighbor doesn't even let them go to the big park 200 yards from the house with football facilities and swings they prefer to have them within feet of my window. I 'd say to keep an eye on them but the one kids mum and dad are sat outback so why the hell they want them out front is beyond me. One evening when I told them to move on it's getting late the young girl went in telling the parents I'd sent them away and she had no one tro play with, the Dad wasn't best pleased but I bet his TV weren't on 9

The other problem is, theirs that many up to 15 at a time that when you drive into the street round a blind bend you have to basically ask them can you drive down the road and some stupid kid was playing chicken the other night. I know one will get hit for sure it's only a matter of time. Then to top it , my cars got a 5ft scratch straight down the side. Now I cant say if it was them or not but one day it didn't the next it did was it them ? I can't honestly say.
Like I said, the kids aren't bad kids and the parents aint either but how the hell do you get peace at a night when its affecting you. Me and the missus fearful of the summer and the long nights especially the hols when they'll be left out till 10-11. I know for a fact I won't hold back and a neighbor fall out is imminent unless something changes.

Like I said at the start, I fully understand kids and playing I did it, we all did it but on the same token we would play in different area's these kids head for one area, mine and rarely do they play anywhere else in fact, I can't remember a rainless evening were we have been noise free. Is anyone else in the same boat and how do you deal with it ?
This is why i love living on main busy road, No football, No kids playing its bliss :D
and the other side of the road there is no houses just small wall then a railway ;)
Well, it makes you think about moving, a few weeks of it the odd occasion it's bearable but every night. I said to the wife, if it gets really bad I'm going up to the top end of the street and let their parents know what we have to put up with. Thing is, they'll be happily sat there in bliss, kids free zone while we get the brunt of it.
When mine were young I would go out and say the usual worried about neighbors " If you cant play quietly your coming in" nowadays I'm sure people are for more ignorant and less respect for others no consideration and just want the kids out their faces. It's a case of " I pay my council tax and mortgage my kids will play were they want".
I think some parents treat their kids like a pet dog, they have one because its novel, a change, my m8 has one and fancy playing happy families till the reality sets in the task at hand dawns upon therm. The child is then stuck an ipad in front of their faces or the door left open till whenever. I've seen kids of 2-3 on tablets and phones which blows my mind. Parental interaction is on the decline and they look at the system rather than family
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It only gets worse in the summer :eek:
I have always said that they should need to get a license to have children
to prove they can look, care after them and treat them good etc etc
I've a few nephews the wife's side, they live about 20 miles away, I'm sure I can accomodate them for a few days and let them run wild, as in Rome. I'm more than willing to be fare with them but when kids and parents alike show no respect then I will deal with it I just didn't wan't to go down that road
That would do my head in @silverdale.

I walk through a new estate a few times a week and the house in the middle of this capture now has a basketball hoop on the wall in that walkway. There are two little shits of about 8~10 living there who also have a small motorbike. Up and down kerbs past people, no helmets, I hope the fall off :).

Imagine a basketball in that ally way blatting off your living room wall.

The problem I have is, the kids aint bad kids just plain old noisey feet from my window. The other problem , they never play anywere else and parents who feel they have the right to.
I think i'll have to Victor Meldrew it to get sorted. Its sad state of affairs when yourmade up when its raining
By or borrow a sonos with a subwoofer and put on some drum and bass tunes sub full volume. trust me their parents will soon move them on ;)

My neighbour was putting tunes on at 7am at a weekend not loud but loud enough to annoy at 7am on a saturday morning. I did the above with my sonos for a few nights. She soon got the message ;)
Unlawful Assembly. A meeting of three or more individuals to commit a crime or carry out a lawful or unlawful purpose in a manner likely to imperil the peace and tranquillity of the neighborhood

Local authorities have a duty to deal with statutory nuisances under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. For noise to amount to a statutory nuisance, it must be "prejudicial to health or a nuisance"

Feck em mate you have the right to some quiet time if you want it.

Either contact the local council or police.
I'm no Victor Meldrew neither, but kids in a gang can be little hellions.
I know.................
I used to be one
@langland, there babies in my eyes say average age 8-13 and like I said, not bad kids as a rules just plain old noisey. I remember when I was a young lad living at home late teens and we had a similar thing going on. We ended up in no end of squabbles and tit for tat car parking , noise etc so I know were conflict "can" end up.
@Spectre, it does do your head in, you want a quite evening watch TV friends round and first your in fear and the ball cracking their car and the noise. I kid you not no word of a lie, last night I heard a commotion so I looked out the door and there's a least 8 kids up my drive running round the car and all playing tick but the noise while there doing it ? and to make it worse one of the women parents few houses down was with them pissed as a fart joining in with the woooo woooo at top note. I looked at her and said "You gotta be having a laugh !!??, Can you get off my doorstep and off my drive away from my car ?" she just looked as though she was taking a dump in her draws , numb.
I think Sunday morning will be noisey , gotta fix the fence :)
Anyway, as it stands it's quite here

It's raining :)
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I have/had the same issue. My car almost being used as a goal post.
I just told them, keep the ball away from the car, I live in a small cul-de-sac.
Most of my neighbours know I am OCD about my car anyway.

Again sane issue with a kid jumping out in front of the car, we told his parents. We used the line, we know the area we know there are a lot of kids so we drive cautiously. However a delivery driver who does not know the area could be traveling faster and run them over.

Some parents just need to teach their kids respect, but again explaining the whys and wherefores to some parents can help. But others are just ignorant.
I do wonder what their response would be if their property was damaged....
I have/had the same issue. My car almost being used as a goal post.
I just told them, keep the ball away from the car, I live in a small cul-de-sac.
Most of my neighbours know I am OCD about my car anyway.

There's an idea @MH and @silverdale... (I have to add a space here to get to newline...)

Do modern car alarms still have sensitivity settings? I did work at a company that designed them but that was ages ago :).
Just a thought here...................
Do you have a front garden?
If so maybe treat it with manure.
Parents might not be so happy when the kids start coming home stinking of shit?
I have/had the same issue. My car almost being used as a goal post.
I just told them, keep the ball away from the car, I live in a small cul-de-sac.
Most of my neighbours know I am OCD about my car anyway.

There's an idea @MH and @silverdale... (I have to add a space here to get to newline...)

Do modern car alarms still have sensitivity settings? I did work at a company that designed them but that was ages ago :).
Mine doesn't, you used to be able to put them in panic mode but mine does not do that either. I've tried ;)
Mine doesn't, you used to be able to put them in panic mode but mine does not do that either. I've tried ;)

I'm sure that used to be holding a button on the fob LOL. I remember the good ol' days of a screw that you turned...

Maybe that stuff was only on after-market alarms which probably don't exist nowadays :).
A very detailed thread.....

What i hate is winter. 😂
What i do love is kids going mad at summer time or the wee ones on holidays.
I can recall me being 9 year old child and a neighbour lifting MY football being a child.
The neighbour got his balls kicked in when i told my father.
I watched my dad empty him...
as my father said......
“Respect is not given...

30 years later with my own place i allow kids to use my driveway as goals.


(or a victor)??

How times have changed.
A very detailed thread.....

What i hate is winter.
What i do love is kids going mad at summer time or the wee ones on holidays.
I can recall me being 9 year old child and a neighbour lifting MY football being a child.
The neighbour got his balls kicked in when i told my father.
I watched my dad empty him...
as my father said......
“Respect is not given...

30 years later with my own place i allow kids to use my driveway as goals.


(or a victor)??

How times have changed.

Earn respect by twatting someone, well in my opinion that is what is wrong with society nowadays.
It breeds an attitude amount some, that they think they can do as they please and not bother about others property.

I working fvcking hard for my house and car and for someone who does not respect others property when asked on numerous occasions previously. Cannot earn or deserve any respect.
But it's OK, as my dad lamped someone that indicates that it's OK not to bother about others.

Or should I not care, and let everyone ruin my hard earned car and let it get scratced and dented to ****? Only because a need to earn their respect before they will respect others.

Damaging others property is the same as theft to me, as if something is stolen you either have to claim on insurance or pay for it yourself, either way someone has to pay.
The same goes for damage, someone has to pay.
I have a 6 year old, she is allowed to play outside (she goes around the block on her scooter) she also knows that should she be overly noisy I would tell her off (while she is out I leave the front door open, so I would be the 1st to hear her) and if I had to tell her again she would lose the privilege of playing outside.

She also loves going to restaurants and is perfectly behaved in them as she knows that if she is not we will not do it again.

Being a parent is an honour but you have to work at it. Any teacher will say that the most important thing for a young child is set boundaries that the child knows understands and are enforced.

There is nothing nicer than when teachers and other parents tell you how well behaved and polite your child is